Friday 5 December 2014


Tav, the final letter of the Hebrew alefbeit (alphabet).

The picture behind tav is the sign or seal of a covenant. It was often used as a mark in the same sense as our signature is today, especially of those who could not read or write (similar to the practice of signing an "x" on a contract).

Conceptually, tav is a wounding, as the sealing of a covenant required the wounding of the sacrifice, whose blood sealed the covenant.


Jesus is the reason for the season

Thursday 4 December 2014

My Lover

Over The Mountains
Over the Sea
Here You come running my Lover to me

When I feel the cold of winter
And this cloak of sadness, I need You
All the evil things that shake me
All the words that break me, I need You

Do not hide me from Your presence
Pull me from Your shadows, I need You
Beauty wrap Your arms around me
Sing Your song of kindness I need You
All through the valleys
Through the dark of night
Here You come running to hold me till it's light

I'll come running...back to You

~ Jesus Culture With Martin Smith - Song Of Solomon

Wednesday 5 November 2014


I see your tears in the night, lay it all on me
You built a wall inside, just let it fall from me
I feel your pain and lonely
Don't be afraid to show me
Let it rain upon me
I'll be here for you

I met an old man once and he said to me
"The only thing that matters is what you believe"
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything
In case you're wondering I'll be here for you

Aye, imagine - aye, imagine
Ooh oh, imagine
Could you ever imagine?
Don't give up, don't give in
Gotta fight through all of these fins
Say yeah imagine
Could you ever imagine?

Every melody can turn into a symphony instantly
I know that you were meant for me
Even though it was so hard to see
I knew that we could be
You did the same for me
Now I'll be here for you

Could you ever imagine?
Don't give up, don't give in
Keep on until the end
Could you ever imagine?

I'm just a humble, little sail with too much to prove
But my boat's so small and the ocean so huge
And I don't wanna go half on a dream
So I need you to be a part of my team
I could never pretend or act like it's just me
Without you where would I be?

for my precious daughter


Tuesday 4 November 2014


Gebed is die wierook van ons hart wat opstyg na God vanaf die altaar van gebrokenheid aangeblaas deur die brandende asem van die Heilige Gees

Monday 27 October 2014

Authentically me

Lord, please give me the grace to look beyond what I wish I had and celebrate what somebody else has.
In Jesus Name I pray

Monday 20 October 2014

Ons roeping

Sonder twyfel moet ons Jesus se lig en sout wees, dag en nag. Hy het ons as sy dissipels aangestel om goeie getuienis af te lê van sy goedheid en redding. Ons is die aroma van Christus in die wêreld. Ons versprei sy lieflike geur op elke plek waar ons kom, soos wat Paulus in 2 Korintiërs 2 skryf. Medelye, liefde en lewe — dit is ons soort taal, nie oordeel en dood nie.

“Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation” — So skryf Henry Ward Beecher. Inderdaad! Om mense te veroordeel, is om hulle af te skryf. Dis nie ons roeping nie. Ons is nie God se arrestasie-beamptes nie. Of godsdienstige vonnis-uitdelers en wetstoepassers nie. Ek weet party godsdienstiges blink goed uit hierin, maar dit is nie die roete wat Christus vir ons bestem het nie. Hy roep ons op tot medelye en empatie. Beteken dit ons is blind en doof vir ander se sondes? Nee, gladnie, maar ons stap saam met mense ’n pad van genade en herstel voor God. Ons stap en leef hulle in die Here se lig in, nie nog dieper in skuldgevoelens en verwyte in nie. Dit is in elk geval die Gees van God se werk om mense te oortuig van sonde en geregtigheid en oordeel, nie ons s’n nie. Ons roeping is om maar net Jesus se lig te laat skyn.

Monday 6 October 2014

a Perfect sacrifice

It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, He did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process.

~ Hebrews 10:12

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Connected to the Vine

I want to get to the place

Where I can meet with my Saviour

face to face

I need to connect with my Source

Who will aid me to withstand all evil force

that’s keeping me from entering the bridal chamber

It is in Him that a find peace in the midst of all the danger

He delivers me from all evil

Surrounds me with a legion of angels

Blesses me with His presence

Anoints me with His oil

and aligns me with His truth

He is the Great I Am!

Mutual Indwelling

God is creating Real Presence, which is probably why the images of an intimate bride and bridegroom are used throughout the Bible. Mutual presence, even intimacy, is clearly the ultimate goal. Presence is the naked language of union, of being lost and found in the face of the other, or in Jesus, the very breath of the Other (John 20:22).

If that is the core meaning of eternal life, then why wouldn’t we practice it now, enjoy it now, choose it now?

Why has so much of Christian history settled for a courtroom instead of a bridal chamber?

You don’t have to figure it all out or get it all right ahead of time. You just have to stay on the journey. All you can do is stay connected to the Source, which connects you to everything else. We don’t know how to be perfect, but we can stay in union. “If you remain in me and I remain in you,” says Jesus, “you can ask for whatever you want and you’re going to get it” (see John 15:7). When you’re connected, there are no coincidences or accidents anymore.

Union realigns you with everything, and synchronicities, coincidences, and “providences” just keep happening. Science now calls this “quantum entanglement,” and it is even provable! I myself cannot explain the physics of it all. All I know from my side is that “the branch cut off from the vine is useless” (John 15:5), and connected to the vine it bears much fruit (15:5, 7).
The False Self is fragile, needy, and insecure; the True Self is endlessly generative, in touch with its Source, and inside the Big Flow.

~ Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

Monday 15 September 2014

The cult of the next thing

Ons leef in ’n advertensie-aangedrewe wêreld wat ons leer dat ons nuwe dinge moet hê om gelukkig te wees.
Mark Buchanan beskryf hierdie siekte waaraan baie mense ly as: “The cult of the next thing!” Dit maak dat ons nooit tevrede is met wat ons tans het nie; dit gaan oor daardie volgende nuwe ding wat ons moet hê. Nimmereindigende behoeftes dryf ons dan om nog en nog te wil inpalm.
Wat is die genesing vir hierdie selfsugtige behoefte-aangedrewe lewenswyse? Psalm 23! Ja, jy het reg gelees! Ons moet weer Psalm 23:1 van harte glo: “Die Here is my herder.” Ons beaam dit graag.
Hoor egter wat skryf Dawid direk hierna: “Ek kom niks kort nie.” Saam met Dawid moet ons ophou om gedurige tekort-kommers te wees. Dit vernietig ons lewens. Ons moet leer ons het genoeg as die Here ons herder is.
Hy is meer as genoeg!
~ ekerk

Monday 8 September 2014

Day 5 - 14 Day prayer devotion for my husband

Day 5:
Father I lift my husband up to You today and pray that You will undo all the wrong, hurt and rejection he had to experience ever since he was a little boy.

Father I ask you to cancel the effect of all the negative things he was exposed during his childhood and those in his adult life.

I pray against any form of aggression, impatience, bad temper, yelling and ask that all the fruits of Your Spirit become part of him.

Father I pray against husbands that uses aggression and manipulation to rule or to get their way in their homes and ask You to intervene with all Your Might in the Name of Jesus. 

Show them how to be kind and patient and to impart hope and love into his family’s heart instead of fear.  Show them the importance of spending good quality time with his family, to take care of the children, tuck them in at night, and sometimes, Lord even if it is just once a week, and read a bedtime story.  Lord let him see a glimpse of his wife’s heart, all the good she is doing to make life warm and comfortable for him and their children. Let him see, if only for one day, her efforts, her strength and the things she so often sacrifice to let them rather have her share.

Holy Father I pray this in the Name of Jesus.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Day 2 - 14 Day prayer devotions for my husband

Dear Lord, thank You so much for helping me to stay on this payer journey. You are a good good God and I am very thankful that I can trust and rely on You.
Lord my prayer for my husband today, is that he will give himself to You, totally, with his whole heart, body and soul. Make him to want to be devoted to You. Show him what love is and what it means to be loved. Show him how to love himself in a healthy and Godly way. Teach him to love others the same way You love us and to be good and kind and mercyful towards every one. Even those that don't deserve it. 
Let he honor You with his daily choices, the way that he sees himself; the way he treats people, those who are poor and needy and especially those who have no influence and who is in no position to grant him special favour. I pray that he will show the same kindness to everyone, irrespective of their social standing in life.

Please teach him how to love and treat his bride....the way You love Your bride.

Give him a brand new love for her. Dear God please restore the flame of love between us that once burnt so high and so strong ... a love that could withstand any kind of heat. Make that bond between us unbreakable. Protect our love and marriage with a shield that nothing - no weapon of the enemy, can penetrate or even shatter.
Teach him the importance to capture his thoughts and not to entertain thoughts and desires that would defile his marriage and what would damage the love and respect between us.

Because You are Holy, show him how to be holy in every aspect of his life.
~ 1 Peter 15

In Jesus Name I pray

Friday 29 August 2014

Wanneer jy vir jou man bid

Wanneer 'n vrou vir haar huwelik bid

Daar was ‘n tyd in my lewe wat ek nie meer met my man getroud wou wees, onder een dak met hom wou bly nie, en nie meer kans gesien het vir sy woede, venynigde woorde, spitefullgeit, drankmisbruik, ontrouheid ens nie.
Ek was desperaat in my omstandighede en het my tot die Here gewend, my hart onvoorwaardelik vir Hom gegee en gevra om in te gryp. En Hy het. Maar in die tyd het die Here my gewys hoe om ‘oor’ te begin want ek het gou die blaam na my man gewend ‘want hy was immers die onregverdige een, die een wat ons nie mooi behandel het nie, ander se part eerder gevat het’,.. ens.
Ek moes leer dat ek net soveel skuld het soos hy. Ek was verbitterd, opvlieënd, geirriteerd, onvergenoegd, (met rede!!), het hom nie ge-eer as die hoof van die huis nie, het hom nie gerespekteer nie, (want hy het dit nie verdien nie en was nie in lyn nie!  ~ het ek geglo).
Ek het besef dat ek my eie onversoenlikheid teenoor my man moes belei. My verbittering, my woede, my hardheid van hart, my emosionele ontrekking van hom af... want in die Here se oë is daar nie ‘n groot en klein sonde nie. Ek moes leer dat daar geen verskil is of ek my man vloek en of hy ontrou is nie. Die een is nie groter of kleiner as die ander nie. Of jy moord pleeg of skinder – daar is geen verskil nie. Sonde is sonde.
Ek moes die sonde in my hart belei vir die Here om my gebede te verhoor. Ek mos glo dat die deel van ons verhouding wat deur pyn, afsydigheid en selfsug weggevreet is, herstel kan word. Ek moes vertrou dat enigiets wat oor my toegesak het, soos misbruik, ontrouheid, enigiets – herstel kon word. Ek moes besluit het dat alles wat besig was om my man te verteer, soos werksverslawing, alkolisme, ens vernietig kan word. Ek moes vertrou dat die Here ons kon verlos van alles.
Ek het geleer dat als begin by gebed.  Die Here het my deur boeke en Sy woord gewys om werklik vir Sy seun, my man, te bid; en in die proses sou Hy my huwelik vernuwe (wat morsdood was) en Sy seën op ons albei uitstort. Op die stadium was ek nie lus om met my huwelik aan te gaan nie, maar nogtans het ek begin bid.
My man was vasgevang in ‘n web van sy verlede en hy moes vrygemaak word daarvan. Die Here het my geleer om vir man te begin bid. En al het ek geglo ek het eerder gebed nodig, was ek te desperaat vir verandering dat ek besluit het om dit wel te doen.
Geleidelik het verandering in ons albei begin kom. Ek het agtergekom hoe meer ek bid, hoe meer vorm liefde in my hart ~ vir die Here en vir my man – en hoe meer ek liefde gevoel het hoe meer het ek begin bid. Dit was weird. Wonderlik weird.
Wanneer my man kwaad raak het ek gebid in plaas van negatief reageer. Wanneer my man nie huis toe kom nie, het ek vir hom gebid ~ al wou ek eerder hé ‘n weerligstraal moes hom tref!
Ek het besluit dat die konflik in my huwelik beiindig sal word en die houvas wat rusie op ons het verbreek sal word.  Ek moes leer bid dat die Here ons uit die put van onversoenlikheid sou haal en ek moes liefde, vrede en versoening spreek en glo en bid.
Moenie jou huwelik afskryf nie. Hy is in staat om die een wat jy het, te neem en van hom ‘n nuwe een in Christus te maak.Ons het die HERE se krag aan ons kant. Ons kan besluit ons veg daarvoor in gebed. Want ‘n egskeiding is nie die oplossing nie.
Ek weet. 
Ek was al daar.
Jou probleme is meer

Daily devotion - 4 my husband

14 Day Prayer Journey 4 u'r husband
DAY 1:

Dear Lord, today I am starting with a journey to pray for my husband.
Please give me the strength to follow through with this 14 day journey; to pray without seizing no matter what happens and how he treats me.  Help me to remember that this is a seed of love I am sowing, knowing well that he might never pray for me the way I pray for him. And let it not matter to me.  

Give me a new heart Jesus; one that is soft and kind and merciful towards him and help me to realise that I have to let go of all the wrongs in the past, all the empty promises and all the times he broke my heart.  Make me fall in love with him all over again! Help me to realise that I need to forgive him in order to move forward. Show me how to love and respect him again even if he doesn’t deserve it.  

Let this very first day, be a new day in my own heart, a new day in my marriage... a brand new beginning.
Give me the courage to be strong, prayerful and faithful towards this journey.
All this I ask, in Jesus Name

Hire the Holy Spirit

Our inner worriers prefer to work the night shift. So we stir awake, then we stay awake. And we walk through our days unrested, unnerved and unprepared for what life might throw our way.

The thing is, worry is a horrible tenant. It lives rent-free in your soul, and furthermore, it demands to be paid — with the deposit of your precious thought life.
Paul says there’s a better way: “Don’t fret or worry,” he wrote to the Philippians – and to all of us. “Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (Philippians 4:6, The Message)

Fire the worry-wart. Hire the Holy Spirit. He’s already applied for the job, and is abundantly qualified.
~ by Jennifer Dukes LeE (IN)COURAGE

Thursday 14 August 2014

Obediance is better than sacrifice

1 Samuel 15v22 - and Samuel said " Has the Lord as gr8 delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice and 2 listen than the fat of rams.
As d Here vi ons vra om iets te doen - wat ook al - en om een of ander rede is ons ongemaklik oor die opdrag, hetsy mens lui is, bang, ens en mens doen ander dinge wat goed en reg lyk en offer dinge op wat d Here nie voor gevra het nie, gaan bedien waar ons nie geroep is nie, is als goed en mooi maar is nie die ding wat die Here voor gevra het nie, bring ons hardships oor onsself en ander. Bv toe Saul nie vir die Here geluister het en die koning doodgemaak het soos die Here hom instruksie gegee het nie ,het sy volk bje swaar gekry. En dit agv sy ongehoorsaamheid.  
Obedience is doing the will and seeking 2 please God.
Sacrifice is seeking to cool off the anger of God.
Disobedience results in a need 2 sacrifice- obedience prevents the need 4 sacrifice.
Obedience is the key 2 a life of joy.
Sacrifice implies a dry, joyless required kind of service that God does not enjoy (Hebr 10.6) therefor when He came into the world He said "...sacrifice and offering You did not desire but a body You have prepared 4 Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure..."

Monday 11 August 2014

My commitment as a disciple of Jesus Christ

I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
I have Holy Spirit Power. The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made.
I am a disciple of Him.
I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure.
I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colourless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity position, plaudits of popularity.
I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognised, praised, regarded or rewarded.
I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer and labour by power.

My face is set, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won't give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus!

I will go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and will till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me - My banner will be clear.

~ written by Bob Moorhead

Monday 4 August 2014

I fall short

I fell into a trap that was set to destroy me with open eyes. I became critical, judgemental and began to speak negatively.

I was so caught up in this cycle that I didn’t realise at first how destructive the path was that I was on. 
Until I made the decision to never entertain any negative thoughts towards my husband any longer.
My negative attitude towards my husband affected my once positive attitude towards the world and my world. I began to speak negatively about almost everything and everyone.

The decision to capture my thoughts, once again changed me.  It freed me. As peculiar as it sounds, it did. I became more positive towards negative situations around me. I had a renewed hope in me and it was easier to honour our marriage vows in the times I just wanted an ‘out’-pass. Whenever he says something hurtful or broke another promise or behave in a way that I absolutely hate, I choose to let it go. I choose to not  allow any destructive or negative thoughts towards him. It is a constant decision.
Romans 12v10 ~ be devoted (dedicated, faithful, steadfast) to one another in love. Honour (acknowledge, respect) one another above yourselves.

Friday 25 July 2014

Die soeke van 'n onperfekte kind

Ek het 'n arend.  Iemand wat lank terug die soeke van my hart raakgesien het, haar vlerke om my gevou het en my geleer het wat Goddelike liefde is.

Wanneer ek terugkyk na die tyd wat ek onder haar vlerk geskuil het, wonder ek soms hoekom ons groot almagtige Vader dit so bestem dat ek, met soveel foute en nonsens, die geleentheid kon kry om onder vlerke wat so sterk is te mag skuil.  Sterk in leiding, geduld, liefde en geloof. 

Ek kry soms skaam dat met al die geleenthede vir geestelike groei, al die bemoediging, insette en tyd wat spandeer is, ek nie ontwikkel het in 'n kragtige geestelike toring wat lig gee aan 'n donker wêreld nie.

Inteendeel, ek kom agter dat ek soms huiwer om Yeshua se liefde met iemand te deel, omdat ek wonder of dit die regte geleentheid is.  Of self soms omdat ek wonder of daar nog enigsins van SY liefde binne-in my is.  Ek hoop dat mense die LIG in my sien, al hoor hulle dit nie altyd nie. 

En dan word ek weer herinner aan my aandeel in die land se road rage probleem, my ongeduld met my kinders, my onvermoeë om emosies te beheer, konflik wat ek verkeerd hanteer, en die onsekere seer in my kinders se oë wanneer ek onredelik raak.

Ek sal nooit die genade en liefde wat ek in my lewe ontvang het kan verdien nie.  Na al die geleenthede vir heling, na al die liefde wat HY so mildelik oor my uitgestort het, na al die vergifnis wat ek ontvang het, faal ek nogsteeds daarin om net eenvoudig 'n dienende kind van YHWH te wees.

Ek is 'n kind, dis iets wat jy is, en nie verdien nie.  Maar dienend - dis 'n keuse.  Ek wonder waar mense die tyd kry om te dien, en dan besef ek dat dit nie tyd is wat benodig word nie, maar liefde en deernis.

Toe ek jonk was het ek drome gehad van my ouer self wat op 'n filantropies wyse mense help, wat in liefde en onsaglike wysheid reageer.  Wat meer gee as wat ek neem, en minder verdien as wat ek bereid is om uit te deel.

Daardie droom is verwurg en versmoor deur foute wat ek gemaak het.  Iewers het ek meer begin neem as wat ek ooit gegee het, en ek het dit as my reg toegeien. 

Ek het die veiligheid van 'n sterk vlerk verlaat, deels uit die bewustheid dat ek self moet vlieg en deels uit wonde wat net nie wou ophou bloei terwyl ek skuil nie.

Ek vermoed dat ek soos die verlore 'dogter' is wat teruggekom het na haar pa toe, die gemesde kalf help opeet het, weer aanspraak gemaak het op 'n erfporsie, en dit weereens gaan uitfuif het in my eie selfsug en eie geregtigheid.

Ek wonder of Vader al ooit 'n kind gehad het wat so baie wonder oor kind-wees.  En elke keer wat ek gekonfronteer word met die gebrokenheid van verhoudings wat veronderstel was om onvoorwaardelik te wees, pak die skuld my kinderlike hart beet.  Sodat ek myself onder in 'n put vind en dink dat soos wat Josef aan slawe verkoop is, ek myself so pas aan satan verkoop het.

Vir iemand wat vir als in die lewe moes baklei en uit pure hardkoppigheid vir mense wou wys dat hulle my nie sou onder kry nie, is dit baie moeilik om te aanvaar dat jy 'Kind' is sonder om dit te verdien of sonder om dit perfek te wees.

Ek onthou die tyd wat ek gedoop is en onvoorwaardelik skoon en geborge gevoel het.  Ek onthou hoe HY my arend gestuur het om te help om my seer binne in die koue water van die Weskus af te spoel.

My arend het my hand al soveel keer vasgehou en soveel keer toegelaat dat my trane op haar skoot val. 

Ek probeer dieselfde vryheid terug kry deur op my kniee in my kamer te lê en toe te laat dat my trane op Sy voete val.  Maar ek dink nie dat ek by Sy voete uitkom nie, want my geloof is te wankelrig. 

Yeshua het vir die blinde man gesê dat hy sal ontvang in die mate van sy geloof.  Hy het vir 'n pa gesê dat sy seun lewendig sal word omdat hy GLO.  Hy het melaatses genees omdat hulle geglo het dat HY sou wou.

Ek wonder soms of ek nie by die poorte van Sy heiligdom staan en klop, maar ek glo nie dat dit vir my oopgemaak sal word nie. 

Ek mis Yeshua, my hele wese roep uit na hom.  My liggaam is dors na Sy liefde en my gees smag na SY vergifnis.  My hart is verdwaald tussen die uitdagings van die lewe en die roep van my siel.

Hoeveel keer het ek nie al terug gekom na die arend met die sterk vlerke nie, omdat ek weet dat sy baie verder as ek kan sien.  Die arend kan nie my hart red nie en die arend kan nie die poorte oopmaak nie.

Die arend wys die rigting na strome vol lewende waters.  Dis ek wat dit moet drink, bakhand op my kniee.

Oh where did I turn off onto a path of comfort to my broken self
Where did I loose the grip of His overwhelming love and gave way to the lie of self destruction.

HIS ways are marvelous and joyful.
HIS promises are rich in love and guiltless freedom.
My soul cries out to the touch of HIS hand

I will not find it,
but HE... HE will find me.


 ~ Anoniem

Thursday 24 July 2014

Lei my na groen weivelde Here

Ek voel vuisvoos.

Miskien is dit die misluke vaalheid van die winter.

Die seisoen is die jaar té lank. Voel asof ek net stof sluk.

Boonop voel ek skuldig omdat ek wegkruip -

Vir mense.

Wil niemand sien nie, nie hoor nie, nie praat nie.

Skuiling vind van alles wat my energie tap en my aandag opeis.

Ek wil intap. Soak... Terugtrek totdat ek weer mens voel,

totdat ek nét my Vader se harklop kan hoor

Ek wil niks stadsgeluide hoor nie.

Ek smag na stilte. Heel-word-stilte. My-self-weer-vind-stilte.

Ek wil verlore raak in my eie droomwêreld en my verbeel ek kan die geruis van engel-vlerke hoor. Hemelse geluide.

Ek wil terugtrek en stil raak totdat ek die Here se liefde kan hoor.

Totdat ek myself weer vind en weer lief kry.

Totdat ek genoeg van oor het en ek meer genade en geduld vir my naaste het.

Totdat die vrug van die gees my ritme raak en siele om my verkwik.

Soos ‘n hert wat smag na waterstrome, so smag my siel na U my Heer. My siel dors na U, na die lewende God … Ps 42

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Come and rest beside My little fire

My friend, come stand beside me
Lately, I'm feeling so lost
A flood came and washed the stones of the path away
And a hot sun turned the mud to dust
Calling the sheep in for the evening
There's a Voice, calls above the howling wind
It says come rest beside My little fire
We'll ride out the storm that's coming in
My friend, you know me and my family
You've seen us wandering through these times
You've seen us in weakness and in power
You've seen us forgetful and unkind
All that I want is One who knows me
A kind hand on my face when I weep
And I'd give back these things I know are meaningless
For a little Fire beside me when I sleep
~ Patty Griffin

Happy praise 2 the King thru eternity we sing

I have heard of a land
On the far away strand
It’s a beautiful home of the soul
Built by Jesus on high
Where we never shall die
It’s a land where we never grow old

In that beautiful home
Where we’ll never more roam
We shall meet in the sweet by and by
Happy praise to the King through eternity sing
To the land where we never grow old

When our work here is done
and the life crown is won
And our troubles and trials are over
All our sorrow will end
All our voices will blend
With the loved ones who’ve gone on before
It’s a land where we never grow old

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Have a little faith in HIM

Abraham en Sara was albei al baie oud en Sara was verby die ouderdom van kinders in die wêreld bring Toe vra die Here vir Abraham: Waarom lag Sara? Waarom dink sy: sal ek werklik n kind in die wêreld bring noudat ek oud is?

Is iets te buitengewoon vir die Here?

Op die vasgestelde tyd sal Ek terugkom. Volgende jaar hierdie tyd sal Sara n seun hê.    Genesis 18:11 13-14

Soms lag ons bitter vir ons eie geloof – en vir God se Woord. Maar die Here hóór! Die Here hoor die bitter lag van die geloofsmoeë mens: dié mens vir wie alles te veel geword het; dié mens wat nie meer kán glo nie. Sara se geluidlose lag bereik die Here se oor.

“Die arm van die Here is nie te kort om te help nie en sy oor is nie te doof om te hoor nie” (Jes. 59:1).  Jeremia 1:12

 Intussen bly ek in geloof staan dat dinge sal verander ten goede vir elkeen van ons, dat ons moee gebede beantwoord sal word, dat ons kinders en ons kinds-kinders die Here sal ken, dat ons huwelike sterk sal bly staan ten midde van die wereld se verleidelikhede, dat ons al ons finansiele verpligtinge sal kan nakom ten spyte dat die wereld deur 'n ressesie gaan, dat ons verhoging en bevorderings sal kry al ongeag van menslike besluite, dat ons kinders uit verre en vreemde lande sal terug keer huis toe al het omstandighede nie verander nie....   Jeremia 1:12:   Toe sê die HERE vir my: Jy het goed gesien, want Ek is wakker oor my woord om dit te volbring

As jy nie HOOP het nie het jy niks. If you don't have HOPE your faith has no substance to work with.


Thursday 19 June 2014

What if we never ask?

'Now to Him Who is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!'  ~ Ephesians 3:20

- How can He do more than our dreams, if we never dream?
- How can He do more than we hope for, if we have no hope?
- How can He do more than we ask, if we never ask?

Lord, forgive me for giving up on those dreams, hopes and prayers that I have not seen answers to yet. I choose to ask, dream, hope and pray while knowing and believing that You have great things in store for me. Amen


Thursday 12 June 2014

To The Throne Room I go

Without realizing it at first, I slacked down in my relationship with Jesus. I am so busy living my life and loads of other things that I experienced an emptiness inside me. Initially I tried to fill it with other things until I's spending time in His Throne Room, that I miss.

How did that happen?
By being too busy
lack of discipline
no perseverance
skipping on bible study times
not spending enough time with Jesus in prayer
by not spending enough time worshipping our Father

What does that mean? What is the difference between praying and worshipping?
Prayer is communication with God, and worship is communication with God on a more intense level, where we meet with Him in the Throne Room.
We should be a people of worship; it should be a part of our lives as prayer is.

When we worship, we are approaching a glorious Throne of Grace - in all its Glory and Wonder. ~ Revelation verses 1 to 37, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1.

It is in essences the heart of heaven, the place where God The Father sits, with His Son Christ Jesus.

When we worship, we are joining an eternal chorus, as worship is constantly occurring around the Throne of God. We can worship God with words, or in a dance or even in silence. Worship displays our reverence towards God.
Hebrews 4 verse 16: “Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us at the proper time.”
All of my healing and all of my restoration ...occurred in the Throne Room of Grace!
Again I will set my pace
every single morning
when I meet with my Jesus ... face 2 face

I am a woman!

I am a woman. I push doors that clearly say pull. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I’m laughing. I walk into a room and forget why I was there. I count on my fingers in math. I hide the pain from my loved ones. I say it is a long story when it’s really not. I cry a lot more than you think I do. I care about people who don’t care about me. I try to do things before the microwave beeps. I listen to you even when you don’t listen to me. I always try to keep the peace in my home…even if I started the war.  I miss my loved ones who is already in heaven more than I care to share. I am proud of my daughters and of the women they have become. I miss my friends and love spending time with them even if I don’t see them as often as used to. I love being a woman. And most of all... I love being the daughter of the Most High King.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

What is your song?

I recently saw an episode of a series I am quite fond of and in one of the scenes the bride-to-be, busy planning finer details of their wedding, asks her fiance 'what is our song'?

And it made me think about a song I often sing to/share with Jesus.
I love to sing the chorus of a particular song over and over to Him, the one I adore. The One I love.

It's a way of me connecting with Jesus. In the world that I live in, where I constantly have to focus on my relationship with Jesus, where the things of the world often try to pull me away from my commitment and dedication to Jesus, I'll try to do things that will keep my flame burning. Sometimes it ain't even burning high. In days like these, I will rehearse lyrics over and over and over until I have ignited the flames again. Until I feel the warmth again.

Someone told me a long time ago that your relationship with Jesus is like a burning fire. If you take a coal from the pit, it will get cold and eventually die.

What do you do to keep the Fire Burning?

Hy weet

In die eenvoud van ons geloof, staan ons met naakte harte voor God.
Hy sien alles
Weet alles
Verstaan alles

Monday 19 May 2014

Hope flows through suffering

Take me to a place
where I can see Your face
Show me once again Your Glory
So I can re-tell Your story
how I long for Your presence
I long to feel Your tender touch
I don't want to hide anymore
from Your mercy and grace
I went through a valley of death
thinking I was taking my last breath
In the midst of my despair
You came closer
tenderly whispered words op Hope
in my deafening ear
You are my Father
You are my Savior
You are my Friend
You are my Jesus
and I love You so.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

My Lover took me...

My Lover took me to the banqueting hall and His banner over me is love. (despite my inequities and sins)

~ Song of Solomon 2:4

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Our products on display

On display at the new Dial-a-Bed, Bryanston, Johannesburg, South Africa

For orders contact:
Vicky Dockray - Scatter Creations
071 351 0465
Suzette van Eck - Cheeky Chic
083 391 3158

Friday 7 March 2014

In your area soon

Products available in these countries soon: Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and currently South Africa

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The ultimate re-learning of God's love

The cross was the ultimate re-learning of God's love (Hebr).

I bless u 2 b people who r willing 2 re-learn God's love - 2 step into what God has 4 u.

May u never b stuck in what u THINK is true - may u always b willing 2 re-learn the love of God.

Lord give me the courage 2 c things differently and the irresistible urge 2 adapt, for I want to re-learn the love of God.

In Jesus Name I pray.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Your life depends on God's power

Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37

Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14) came to him after God had directed him to prophesy the rebirth of Israel (jy, jou gesin) in chapter 36. God had just announced, through the prophet, that Israel will be restored to her land in blessing under the leadership of “David, My servant [who] shall be king over them” (Ezekiel 37:24), clearly a reference to the future under Jesus Christ the Messiah, descendant of David (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7; Luke 1:31-33). However, this seemed remote in light of Israel’s present condition (your marriage, relationships, finances, illness, hardness of heart, etc).  She was “dead” as a nation, deprived of her land, her king and her Temple. She had been divided and dispersed for so long that unification and restoration seemed impossible. So God gave Ezekiel the vision of the dry bones as sign.

God transported Ezekiel—probably not literally, but in a vision—to a valley full of dry bones and directed him to speak to the bones. Ezekiel was to tell the bones that God would make breath enter the bones and they would come to life, just as in the creation of man when He breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7). Ezekiel obeyed, the bones came together, flesh developed, skin covered the bones, breath entered them and they stood up in a vast army. This vision symbolized the whole House of Israel (u and your family) that was then in captivity (sinaddictions, lies, etc).  Like unburied skeletons, the people were in a state of living death, pining away with no end to their judgment in sight. They thought their hope was gone and they were cut off forever. The surviving Israelites felt their national hopes had been dashed and the nation had died in the flames of Babylon’s attack with no hope of resurrection.

The reviving of the dry bones signified God’s plan for Israel’s future national restoration. The vision also, and most importantly, showed that Israel’s (u, your family) new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of the people. Putting “breath” by God’s Spirit in the bones showed that God would not only restore them physically but spiritually as well. The Israelites residing in Palestine today are not the fulfilment of this prophecy. It will be fulfilled when God re-gathers believing Israelites to the land (Jeremiah 31:33, 33:14-16) and Christ returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom (Matthew 24:30-31).

Speak life into your 'dead situations', envision growth, healing, restoration by depending on God's power to bring forth life in every situation.