To The Throne Room I go

Without realizing it at first, I slacked down in my relationship with Jesus. I am so busy living my life and loads of other things that I experienced an emptiness inside me. Initially I tried to fill it with other things until I's spending time in His Throne Room, that I miss.

How did that happen?
By being too busy
lack of discipline
no perseverance
skipping on bible study times
not spending enough time with Jesus in prayer
by not spending enough time worshipping our Father

What does that mean? What is the difference between praying and worshipping?
Prayer is communication with God, and worship is communication with God on a more intense level, where we meet with Him in the Throne Room.
We should be a people of worship; it should be a part of our lives as prayer is.

When we worship, we are approaching a glorious Throne of Grace - in all its Glory and Wonder. ~ Revelation verses 1 to 37, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1.

It is in essences the heart of heaven, the place where God The Father sits, with His Son Christ Jesus.

When we worship, we are joining an eternal chorus, as worship is constantly occurring around the Throne of God. We can worship God with words, or in a dance or even in silence. Worship displays our reverence towards God.
Hebrews 4 verse 16: “Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us at the proper time.”
All of my healing and all of my restoration ...occurred in the Throne Room of Grace!
Again I will set my pace
every single morning
when I meet with my Jesus ... face 2 face


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