
Showing posts from 2011

I am in-love

I am in-love with a beautiful man. A man, who loved me first. He has the most beautiful eyes Everytime when I look into them I see an ongoing depth, so inviting so marvelously deep and full of acceptance and desire for me, my love. Whenever I look into His eyes I find myself slipping away into a world a place, so full of peace and understanding. Jeus's love is so real, so true and honest. So absolutely intense. I just want to be in His love.  I love His Love. The way He loves me, makes me wanting more of Him. I have grown so fond of the way He smell It has become so familiar to me. He has allowed me to see Him, to touch and to love Him He is so part of me. He is in me   Forever.

Petition against pornography on SA TV!

Please participate in this petition against pornography on SA TV. (copy above link and PLEASE take part in the petition)


In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Tim 3:13-17

Wat is geloof?

Dit is die vaste versekering dat die dinge waarna ons uitsien, inderdaad sal gebeur....

conditions do not apply

from a beloved friend

Moenie wegkruip nie

God:  Adam waar is jy? Jy kan jouself vandag oof afvra: waar is ek...werklik? As jy nie weet nie, of wel weet maar ontevrede daaroor is, is hierdie vir jou.  Adam:  Ek het U hoor aankom en kruip nou weg. Ek was bang omdat ek sonder klere is (Gen. 3:9,10) Dis verstommend wat ons alles sal doen ten einde te kan wegkruip. Ons sal onsself absoluut in werk verdiep, in 'n verhouding betrokke raak, 'n muur om ons bou - enigiets, solank ons tog net nie die waarheid in die oe hoef te kyk nie. God het goed geweet waar Adam was, maar God wou he dat Adam homself moes vind. Jy is absoluut verlore totdat jy jouself vind.  Die probleem is dat solank jy wegkruip, jy 'n front voorhou.  Besef jy hoeveel emosionele energie jy verspil deur aan ander voor te gee jy is wat jy nie is nie? Net 2 dinger is erger: om jouself en God oor jou ware self te probeer mislei. Jy sal dit moeilik vind om enigsins eerlik te wees omdat jy bang is mense deurgrond jou wese en vind die ware jy. I...

where do i run to?

i want to run i want to hide i want Jesus by my side i want to laugh i want to cry but 2day i wanna die the road is too long the mountain's too high the journey is too tuff i've realised i'm not that strong my defenses are low my body is weak my mind is made up this time i need to go to find myself to find Jesus to search through my heart to look for the truth to look for me-i am lost to retrace my steps to find what i did wrong to mend the broken pieces to take care of myself where am i ? who am i ? i need to be whole again i wanna laugh more i need to cry less my life is a mess i want to dance in the rain i want to laugh until it hurts will i ever be whole again will i ever be whole again will i ever be whole again


Geskryf deur Jimi le Roux Ek het onderneem om iets oor tatoeering te skryf, en het ook nou te lank uitgestel. Die saak is eintlik heeltemal eenvoudig, maar laat ek maar net eers die opinies stel: 1) d ie tradisionele beskouing is dat die Bybel tatoeering vir ons uitdruklik verbied in Lev 19: 28 en dit is die einde van argument - wat is eintlik dan nog te se na so 'n duidelike opdrag (Ou vertaling) Julle mag ook terwille van 'n dooie geen snye in julle vlees maak nie en geen ingeprikte tekening in jul vel maak nie. Ek is die HERE. Die Jose sit om hierdie rede ook geen tatoeering op nie, en die wat tatoeering op het, mag (tradisioneel) nie in die Joodse begraafplaas begrawe word nie. 2) die meer resente beskouing (onder sommige) is dat die bg. uitleg nie korrek is nie en oor tatoeering gaan nie maar oor iets anders, of nie op ons van toepassing nie, en dat tatoeering us OK is.  Daar is dus ook Christene wat tatoeerings laat opsit. Die agtergrond van tatoeering is natuurli...

the women in me

A strong women works out every day 2 keep her body in shape but a women of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape A strong women is afraid of anything but a women of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear A strong women won’t let anyone get the best of her but a women of strength gives the best of her to everyone A strong women walks sure footedly but a women of strength knows god with catch her when she falls A strong women wears the look of confidence on her face but a women of strength wears grace A strong women has faith that she is strong enough for the journey but a women of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong

hope in the desert

For I will pour... floods upon DRY land. ~ Isaiah 44:3 5/12/2011

morning has broken ... 4 me


a brand new ending

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

a storm

wasted days and wasted nights how many of those have i not had wasted hours waisted times is my life all that bad i have been rejected and alone afraid and misled holding on to something that cannot be desiring something, but i'm not free waking up at night dreaming of something i hoped i could have desperately making it right thinking this is what i want searching and scanning the crowds for a once beloved face wishing and hoping for a brand new start for a new light to shine in my heart i'm a faker i'm a loser i'm a lover i'm sinner i'm a women i'm a friend why am i following this trend my sins caused me 2 b a disgrace to the one i love by far the most knowing this could have cost me his grace it made me fell flat on my face will i ever get it back weeping and reaping from the choices i have made how long will my journey in the desert last i need to rid of the wrongs in my past a storm is brewing on t...

Yes He does

Jesus loves me, this I know 4 the bible tells me so little ones to Him belong they are weak but He is strong

fallen from grace

Is this me ? God I am so ashamed of the burning desires in my heart - my flesh aches for the fulfillment of it. I have fallen so hard, so fast! Am I a disgrace to You Father? Why do I long for more , for true happiness? Is there such a thing as true happiness Jesus? Is it so wrong to crave that, to desire more, to long for something - something I am even ashamed to name, sometimes? Father I cannot do this anymore - I have been true to You, for many a year - but this I can do no more. Let this yearning in me subsides...

help me make it through the night

when temptation came my way i didn't look away my need was so intense is this my only defense? my sin runs deep will Your grace be more? is this yet another thing that i will reap? who is it that i really adore? will Your mercy endure the sins of my betraying flesh? will this also pass? help me out of this mess! where grace is found, are You there? and where You are Lord, am I really free? or have i forfeited Your trust - oh Lord, how can this be? help me to rise to You when temptation comes my way! and when i cannot stand help me to fall on You.

a clean heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God! and renew a steadfast spirit within me. ~ Psalm 51:10

a sinners cry

Jesus of all the people in this whole wide world... only You know me. Truly know me... the condition of my heart....I cannot hide this from You ~ I need to break away, break free. I need to recap. I need to save myself. I need to heal. Help me make a way....

Die liefde van 'n Pa

My Liewe Kind Ek staan langs jou bed en kyk hoe jy besig is om wakker te word. Soms het daar trane oor jou wange gerol, oor verkeerde besluite en soms sommer net omdat jy soos n mislukking gevoel het. Daar was dae wat jy seergekry het, dae wat mense jou nie verstaan het nie, dae wat jy moedeloos was, dae wat pyn jou wou vernietig het!! Ek het saam met jou gehuil, My hande gehou en jou kosbare t rane opgevang. Ek ken jou seer, Ek ken jou pyn. Daar is tye wat mense My nie verstaan het nie, My verwerp het, daarom weet Ek hoe jy voel.  Daar was dae wat jy deurmekaar gevoel het en gewonder het wat, waar en hoekom. Ek wil vandag vir jou sĆŖ, nie een van die foute wat jy gemaak het, het My onkant gevang nie. Ek was nie verbaas nie. Ek weet alles. Ek verstaan alles. Ek sien alles.  En kyk nie na jou met oĆ« wat oordeel nie. Ek kyk na jou met oĆ« van liefde en Ek luister na jou met My hart, omdat Ek n Pa is wat uit liefde bestaan.  Soms het mense al n verkeerde prentjie van M...

A song and a prayer

Lord I come, I confess Bowing here I find my rest Without You I fall apart You're the one that guides my heart Lord, I need You, oh I need You Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness Oh God, how I need You Where my sin runs deep, Your grace is more Where grace is found is where You are And where You are Lord I am free Holiness is Christ in me Yes where You are Lord I am free Holiness is Christ in me So teach my song to rise to You When temptation comes my way And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You Jesus You're my hope and stay And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You Jesus You're my hope and stay ~ Chris Tomlin, ' Lord, I Need You'

Klein begin vs. Groot oes

Alles begin klein, en jou gesindheid aan die begin bepaal dikwels jou sukses aan die einde. Die Bybel sĆŖ, 'Wie minag die dag van oĆ«nskynlik klein dingetjies?' Wees bly oor wat God aan jou gee om mee te begin, want HĆ½ is!  Elia het 'n wolkie so groot (klein!) soos 'n man se hand gesien voor die reĆ«n begin het (1 Konings 18:44). Dis klein, maar Elia was bly want hy het geweet dis die begin van groot dinge. Moenie jou saad vernietig deur die potensiaal daarvan te misken nie. God gee aan jou 'n saadjie van hoop, iets klein - maar iets klein is beter as heeltemal niks. Plant die saadjie, bid daaroor en glo dat God dit sal vermeerder.  Baie mense gooi hulle saad weg. Wanneer ons iets 'verag', vernietig ons die potensiaal daarvan, ignoreer dit, verwaarloos dit. As ons dit wat God gee nie oppas nie, verloor ons dit. Sonder die saad sal ons nooit kan oes nie. Die Bybel sĆŖ wees tevrede met wat jy het, en, ...'Onthou dat God die versekering gegee het: "E...

Your husband needs "Respect"

When we treat someone as a valued gift and invest ourselves in his or her care, we build up that person’s feelings of self-worth and draw closer to them as well. When a wife respects, nurtures, and affirms her husband, it deepens her love for him. On the other hand, when we don’t regard something as valuable and neglect it, our feelings for it begin to wane. At the top of any man’s list of needs is respect from his mate; God created men that way. He needs respect as much from his wife as he needs air to breathe. A man who doesn’t receive respect from his wife is a man who begins to wither on the inside.  That is exactly why God calls wives to respect their husbands ( Ephesians 5:33 ) .    Some believe that respect is something we all must earn. But just like love, respect from spouse to spouse must be unconditional.  This is what Scripture teaches: “Show proper respect to everyone … not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh” ...


And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. ~ Isaiah 58:12

A word or 2

You will find in praise; spiritual understanding and strength for my My Spirit saturates the soul that learns to pour itself out in worship and that one becomes the object of My love and instruction.

Impossibilities vanish when you and God confronts your mountains




What is your prostitute?

Do you remember the “great old bible stories” you heard as a child and how captivated  you were by the greatness of it all? Noah - the man of faith, building the ark, with all the different animals under one roof? How on earth did he get them in there? What methods did he use to get them to follow him? What about Jonah and the Whale – What went through his mind exactly when he was in the stomach of the whale? I cannot - not even in my wildest dreams, [and in the comfort of my home] imagine what he must have felt like... thinking about? Or was he just praying and repenting - scared of drowning everytime the whale opened his mouth. Surely it must have smelled!!  Another old time favourite is the wonderful story of Moses. A story with so many hidden truths. And also a  story of a mothers protective love for her child, how she decided to stand the chance of ‘loosing’ him by hiding him by the side of the River Nile, not knowing if she wi...

Who's missing?


Small Straws in a Soft Wind

Beloved, I am creating opportunities in your life that will lead to greater unity with Me, says the Lord. I will reveal those things that create hindrances and distance between us. Let Me show you the way to restored innocence and purity, not as one who worships from outside, but as one who can enjoy spiritual intimacy with confidence in the reality of oneness. Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. ~ by Marsha Burns




Nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing is so gentle as real strength

What my husbands pornography addiction did to me.

Before I became a reborn Christian I use to watch pornography every now and then with my husband. I used to say there is no harm, but the fact was: I was not OK with it. Whenever we were intimate I always wondered if my husband fantasised about the women we saw in the movies. I always felt self-conscious because I was not able to do what the people in the movies could and I definitely did not look as good as the 20 year old in the movie who had never had children. Intercourse was not intimate at all, but more of a race to try and live out something I saw in a movie. I did a lot of things just to please my husband. I didn't want to be boring in bed. I did some disgusting stuff in an effort to keep things interesting. Later on in my marriage Jesus saved me from my sins and I devoted my life to Jesus. Shortly after that I found out that this was not the only extent of my husband’s pornography viewing. It was also books and websites that he viewed continuously. I found that anything...

Men under construction

A blog worth visiting:

Jesus is alive!

I spoke to Him this morning.

In who's shoes?

Stop and ponder..... In who's shoes are you walking? In who's shoes do you desire to be in? Are your shoes to big for you? Does the shoe fit?

I found a Love greater than life

Therefore the Lord will wait [ silence, linger ] that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy [ compassion, forgiveness, kindness, sympathy, understanding, bigheartedness ] on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait [ long, desire ] for Him. ~ Isaiah 30:18

Dear God


I love love love You Jesus


In love with a man called Jesus


New Blog

Check out this new blog....

My Super Hero


Walk with me through this fire

Heavenly Father If one's heart has been broken, over and over again... will it ever heal completely? Or will I always be reminded of the evil by the harsh scars that never seems to mend... Abba Father help me not to hold on to yesterday, help me not to become bitter, or to take the easy way out... Father I need to let go but I don't know how anymore. Why has it become so difficult to forget, to forgive? Today, yet again I need Your healing mercy Walk with me through this fire I trust in You Jesus



My addiction


Conceived in Rape, Living With Purpose

As I sat across from a social worker in 2003, ready to receive my adoption records, the women said, "since you're going to find your mother, you need to know about the father." I hadn't given any thought to him, except that he might have been a hit and run.  Without any preparation she bluntly said, "Your mother was raped." Read more... A Christian Testimony By Mary Fairchild , Guide A website worth browsing:

Shall we dance, my Lord?

Do You hear the music in the distance? Lord it is so all-around us, so real, so part of me and You that I cannot help but to fulfill the desire in my heart to just dance with You, again and again! O my Lord, do You remember our first dance? The memories of that day is forever imprinted in my soul – a beautiful everlasting moment we had… You and I. You pulled me up from where I laid on the floor, buried in my grief. You knew that my crushed spirit needed You so desperately right then. I could hardly breathe... Jesus I will never ever forget the love and tenderness I have experienced in Your arms that day. I was so overwhelmed by the immensity of Your love for me. I knew then that You would move mountains to protect me! Together we waltz, following the rhythm of our hearts, the beating of Your healing mercy . I broke down at every turn we took, but You kept on dancing, kept on turning, knowing how much I needed to rid of the hurt that drenched my soul. You held me steady. You held...

My love

When I first laid my eyes on you You were quite shy Soon after that I knew I found a love so true. Through thick and thin we vowed Alone you and I Our heads closely bowed... until we die. I promised I would be true, I would be faithful I will be there when you need me To lean on To be strong. Shaken over our past - We fought for our love to last The roads were very tough Often thinking we won’t make it, it's just too rough Until one glorious day, … He seemed like an ordinary Man He spoke one word and forgave our sins He healed our broken hearts Today I know you never gave up each time you pulled us through A strong tower... that's what you are fighting like a lion... soaring like an eagle. My darling, I can honestly say You are the best thing that ever happened to me…

Out of darkness

There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fevered pitch and it's bringing me out the dark Finally, I can see You crystal clear, Hanging on the cross with Your soul laid bare The scars of Your love remind me of my past They keep me thinking of a Love that will last The scars of Your love, they leave me breathless Knowing I will make in times of distress You have my hart inside Your hand I gave You all of my love Leaving my past behind With a fire burning, Reaching a fevered pitch that keeps me out the dark

Movie release: African Cats

View Movie Review Page

Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, Holy, holy is He! Sing a new song to Him who sits on Heaven's mercy seat. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings. You are my everything and I will adore You. Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your Name! Jesus Your name is Power, Breath and Living Water, such a marvelous mystery.  You are worthy Jesus! You are worthy to be praised! To You be the Glory!

I hear You say

I know I need You I need to love You Lord I'd love to see You but it's been so long I long to feel you I feel this need for You and I need to hear You, is that so wrong? Now You pull me near You when we're close I fear You still I'm afraid to tell You all that I've done Are You done forgiving? or can You look past my pretending? I'm so tired defending what I've become.. what have I become? I hear You say : "My love is over, it's underneath it's inside, it's in-between In times that you doubted Me, when you can't feel In times that you question, is this for real? In times that you are broken, in times that you are mend the times that you hate Me, in times that you bend My love is over, it's underneath it's inside, it's in-between In times you are healing and when your heart breaks the times that you feel like you have fallen from grace the tines that you are hurting, the times that you heal the time...

a Wilderness Experience

This winter is really stretching me... in more than one way.  I feel... almost... 'post-mortem-ish'. It feels as if I just cannot get past this roller-coaster-emotional-ride I am on! I know that emotion and faith has nothing do with one another. It's a faith thing  and that I should keep my focus on that. But I am really struggling through all of this. The mountain is just toooo high this time; maybe my aging hormones plays a role, or another exam on its way, or my all-time-weight-battle, my summer clothes that doesn't fit anymore and the mere thought of going on another diet.... agh,!  I just feel sick to my stomach. So between all of my emotions I thought exercise would do me good; so I went surfing ..  offcourse I took the easy route = Internet Surfing and that really did me gooooood. The [ ever loyal and my best Friend ] Holy Spirit led me to a fabulous website on 'Wilderness' and thought I should share this with the world! That some...

What is Repentance?

Repentance means a sincere turning away from sin and turn to God. A person must repent to receive eternal life in heaven, but this act does not earn salvation.  Ezekiel 18:30: "Therefore,O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall." ( NIV ) Jesus also calls for repentance: "The time has come," Jesus said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15, NIV ) Repentance is an essential part of salvation , requiring a turning away from the sin-ruled life to a life characterized by obedience to God. The Holy Spirit leads a person to repent, but repentance itself cannot be seen as a "good work" that adds to our salvation. The Bible states that people are saved by faith alone ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). However, there can be no faith in Christ without repentance and no repentance without ...

Rahab: Prostitute turned spy for God

By her Profession, Rahab was known as a scandalous woman in the Old Testament, yet this prostitute turned spy was honored by God twice in the New Testament. Like Rahab, you may not have a spotless history, but that won't stop God from choosing to use you, and perhaps even recognizing the noble accomplishments He wants to perform through your life.  If you feel unworthy or marked by the embarrassing mistakes of your past, let Rahab's example encourage you.  Rahab turned from her pas to follow God, and her life was forever changed.

a Prophetic word

Isn't it amazing that a prophetic word from God can make you feel airborne ? God must have known in His infinite wisdom, what His words, spoken in season will do to His children.  Man oh Man oh Man.... how I love this Man ! But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3 Thank You Heavenly Father for the profound prophetic word Thank  You  for trusting me Thank  You  for expanding my territory Thank  You  for Restoration ministries Thank  You  for my new 'boots' and Thank You for all the blessings You have promised to send to me and those who stood by me and supported me all these years I receive it in Jesus Name

Weet jy waarom jy lewe?

Jesus het presies geweet waarom Hy gelewe het.  "Hiervoor is Ek gebore en hiervoor het Ek na die wereld gekom, met die doel om vir die waarheid getuienis af te le". Hy het dit oordink, daarvoor gebid, beplan, gewerk, Sy lewe afgele, weer opgestaan  en Sy roeping uiteindelik volbring. Weet jy waarom jy lewe? Wat doen jy om jou doel te bereik? "Hy het ons gemaak dat ons die goeie werke wat Hy vir ons bestem het, kan uitlewe" - Efesiers 2:10 Die klink nie na 'n doellose rondwaal nie. Die bybel se " 'n mens beplan sy koers maar die Here bepaal sy bestemming "- Spreuke 16:9. Jy moet goed beplan, maar God se rigting inslaan. ~ Bob en Debby Gass