
Showing posts from January, 2010

Don't let them take your smile

Every so often, we allow people to hurt us, to form a negative opinion about us and we allow that to affect us in a very powerful way. You shouldn't. Don't become the opinion, or the result of what happened to you in your past. Rise above that. For this reason only, must I share the lyrics of a song, that has the ability to change your destiny. Don’t let them take the smile of your face U know who u r That’s all u need Don’t let them know they’ve hurt u somehow U wanna make them see They can’t set u free It’s funny how things happen all at once How it sometimes let’s u down Feel u fight the battles on u’r own U should know u’r not alone Don’t let them take the smile of your face U know who u r That’s all u need Don’t let them know they’ve hurt u somehow U wanna make them see They can’t set u free You keep on turning from the light within There is where u should begin Sometimes love is in the spaces inbetween Funny how the obvious cannot be seen I...

Lily of the Valley

Do I not clothe the lily of the valley? Luke 12:28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith! Do I not clothe the lily of the valley? Don’t you get it? Why do we still worry about our safety? Or the car payment which is due the end of the month? Why do we still worry about the end of the month ? Why on earth are we still concerned about the last bread in the bin... When we have a Father who is the ruler of Heaven and Earth? Who promised to dress us, cover, hide, defend and protect us? He, who provides our clothing, our food and bestows us with His mercy and grace? When we have the Book full of answers? Is it that maybe that we don’t meditate on the word? That maybe we don’t really believe His promises because we ourselves make empty promises? Is it that we still find ourselves with a ‘beggars-mentality”? Clothe also means; provisi...

My Mountain Song

Up To The Mountain Abba, often I make the journey up to the mountain only because You asked me to Up over the clouds to where the sky is blue so that I can see all around me Everywhere So many fears troubles my soul I cannot see Sometimes I feel like I've never been nothing but tired Sometimes I lay down no more can I do but then I go on again because You asked me to Some days I look down afraid that I will fall, that I might fail You... and though the sun still shines I see nothing at all Then I hear Your sweet voice, “Beloved, come and let go” Telling me softly You love me so... My Peaceful Valley Just over the mountain A Place, few come to know Sooner or later I will go again where Your Peace will surround me

Why are you overweight?

Let’s go a little deeper today ... There are a couple of reasons why we are overweight. It might be because of a medical problem – which is in the lesser. It might be purely because we over indulge and really just make pigs of ourselves... But, MOST of the time, from my experience in dealing with women, it is because we have an issue or problem or a hurt that we have not dealt with, or do not know how to deal with. This might be an unsolved issue that occurred in your past , and/or you are currently in a situation where something is uncomfortable or hurtful. In order for you to lose weight, and just be free from unhappiness or from carrying that heavy burden, you need to identify what it is that ‘triggers’ you to eat - (I am not talking about those who needs to lose 2 or 3kg). I am also not at all saying that those who are overweight HAVE an unsolved issue or hurt . But I know for a fact, that food is rarely the problem. I am suggesting that you take a close look into ...

How faithful are you?

I was confronted with this question and my first reaction was to say 100%. Because I love the Lord with my whole heart eversince I gave my heart to Jesus in 2003. I never stopped loving Him. On the contrary. I have asked a couple of people the same question and by their immediate responses, I realised most of them never 'considered' the question. They reacted on their first impulse, without ... soul-searching... How faithful are you to God? You have faith. Faith in God. Faith in His Promises. His miracles. But, how faithful are you to God? When I really looked into my heart, like really looking , I discovered that I was not as faithful as I make myself out to be. As I tell myself. As I make others belief. I haven't always told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There were times that I've bend the rules, in order for things to suit me.. I have compromised. I have neglected. I have been unfaithful to the One I care about the mos...

A view from the Mountain Top

My Dear Jesus How magnificent it is indeed to be able to stand on the mountain top for a change, and see the view from Your eyes. It is as clear and comprehensible just as You have promised me it would be. You have been so patient with me. Teaching me how to climb my mountains. Carefully instructing me how to use the tools You have provided for me for every situation… When I was too tired to go further, You, ever so patiently waited for me to catch my breath. Lovingly nudging me to go on, to climb higher. Thank You Lord for teaching me to look at it from various angles. Your angles. I needed just that. I just wish I had the courage - must sooner, than I did, to make the journey. Things would have been much easier. I love Your view Lord. It’s much nicer than mine. Bearable, reachable, graspable. Your Eyes see differently than mine. Teach me Jesus to see it through Your Eyes. To see more. To See the unseen. Your Secret Place. "as the mountains lie around Jeru...

Conversations with God

Good Night God I am sure you missed me talking to You today. Father I am so sorry that only now, I give You my my individed attention. I missed You. I really missed Your voice today. Have You been waiting for me? Were You looking out for me Lord? Lord, what did You do today? What happened in heaven today. How many celebrations have You had today? I bet You had quite a few - did the angels have fun with You dancing and singing over all the newborn christians? Wow! Lord Your parties must have the biggest fireworks show ever!! Filled with laughter and dancing, music and clapping and Lord, just happiness. I would love to experience it one day Lord. Will You invite me, soon? I would love to join in the fun ... Why do I sense a bit of sadness Lord.... Abba? did someone hurt You today? Did anyone break Your heart all over again? Will You please tell me if someone did? I want to be there for You too... you can cry on my shoulder too Lord. I'll understand - I know the pain of an achin...


‘n Stukkie aarde, ‘n stukkie van U hart, 'n stukkie van U droom... Here, ek het weereens, ‘n nuwe diepte van U ontdek die naweek. Iets wat U so saggies in my kom neer sit het, sonder dat ek dadelik daarvan bewus was. Toe ek voel, toe is dit daar. U het ‘n ander tipe honger in my hart gevul. Iets vir my gegee wat ek nie in woorde kan beskryf nie. ‘n Geskenk, so saggies, so onmisbaar kosbaar, heilig… Hoe kry U dit reg, om so saggies, só raak te vat? U het die vermoë om so teer met gebroke harte te werk, om stukkie vir stukkie weer bymekaar te sit, maar uit dieselfde hart, iets nuuts te vorm. Hoe kry U dit reg om nuwe hoop in ‘n stukkende vroutjie se hart te plaas? Om droewigheid met blydskap te vervang binne enkele oomblikke? Om dofheid uit ou oë te haal, en dit te laat blink soos ‘n verliefde bruid sin? Hoe kan die mensdom U bestaan ontken Here? Hoe kan hul U ontken? Here my mense-hart verstaan dit nie. Iets in my wil in opstand kom daaroor! Sien hulle nie U liefde vir die m...

Love Letter 2 my Creator

Abba Avi, how often do You not surprise and amaze me by the wonders of Your Mighty Love. It is indeed through Your amazing love 4 me that I can sense the softness of Your Presence... the tenderness of Your touch... the sweetness of Your kiss... It is only You sweet, sweet Jesus that can take me high up in the sky and give me the ability 2 fly, 2 fly away with You. Into freedom... into weightlessness... into abundance... into holiness... into nothing, yet everything ! Just like an eagle, high, high so high up in the sky, 2gether with You. You who are the Wind beneath my wings, the Wind that shields me, that directs and guides me, that protects me and that gives me the ability to be fearless, accurate, strong, fast and free... Oh how I love Thee... It is only You that can give me hind's feet so that I am able to walk with U on High Places, where I can wander on mountains so high, without being afraid - where no one can reach me... Only You... only You. Abba Father, give me ...


Isaiah 58:12 And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

Wat Restourasie aanbetref...

Dit is ‘n 6 weke lange intieme self-ondersoek en uiterlike restourasie om jou self-waarde te herstel. Saam worstel ons deur issues soos; Homemakers. Jy en Jou huis. Hoe lyk dit, vervalle? Emosionele Welstand. Daardie diep seer binne-in jou wat jy vir die wereld wegsteek. Hetsy dit ‘n seer is van abuse of dalk jou maat se pornografie verslawing. Daardie ‘water-onder-die-brug-seer’. Leefstyl Eetgewoontes & Jou gewig. Kleredrag. Ons kyk na style wat by jou pas. En dan laastens spandeer ons tyd by Jou. As vrou, vriendin, minnares, christen. Hoe bederf jy jouself? Hoe cope jy?


Homemaker... Tuisteskepper ... Dit is jou huis . Maar verseker ook jy. Vrou . Hoe sien jy jou huis? Het jy die perfekte huis, netjies en aan die kant. Wat lekker ruik, miskien met vars beskuit wat pas uit die oond uitgekom het of dalk 'n goeie stew, wat staan op die stoof en liggies prut? Of miskien net 'n vars reuk van pas gepoleerde vloere... nes jou ouma sin? Of is hierdie beelde so ver van die werklikheid dat jy tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat dit net beskore is vir vroue met permanente huishulpers wie se huise so lyk? Vroue wat nie 8 uur per dag werk nie? Of dalk is jy een van die vroue wat wel by die huis is, en omdat die kinders versorg moet word en rond gery moet word, is jy en jou huis die heel laaste plek waar jy tyd kry om by uit te kom ... Jy het net nie die tyd nie, of jy is net te moeg, of dit nou 'n voltyds ma of beroepsvrou is. Het jy die punt bereik waar jy net opgegee het? Want vir wat? Vir wie? ...

Emosionele Welstand

Om na jou geestes-en emosionle gesondheid om te sien, is net so belangrik soos jou fisieke gesondheid. Geestes-en emosionele stres sal jou fisieke gesondheid kan benadeel. Dinge in ons verlede, in ons verhoudinge, hetsy met jou huweliksmaat of vriende, kry ons seer. Word ons teleurgestel , gekritiseer of dalk verwerp. En hierdie dinge haak aan ons vas. Soms troetel ons daardie pyn , soms hou ons dit vas, en dit veroorsaak dat ‘n vesting binne-in ons vorm. Ons leer nie om te deel met die goed nie. Ons se soveel keer dis verby, dis water onder die brug. Soms gaan ons sover en se ons vergeef die ander person. Tog, ten spyte van die vergifnis wat ons spreek, bly die ding binne in ons want ons blok dit eerder uit ons sisteem uit as wat ons daarmee deel. Dit het ‘n manier geword om te cope met die lewe. Deur dit uit te blok. Amper half voor te gee dit bestaan nie, dit het nie regtig gebeur of ons geaffekteer nie. En baie kere, om te ontsnap van ons teleurstellings en seer, ons gedagtes,...


Beklee jouself met waarheen jy oppad is… Dis soms ‘n tawwe journey. Hoekom is dit vir ons vrouens so moeilik om nie aan te trek wat ons regtig wil nie! As jy ‘n vrou is, trek soos ‘n vrou aan – jy is nie iets in-between nie. Jy is vrou. Vroulik. Verruklik. Waag dit om te eksperimenteer. Moenie bang wees nie. Ons sien baie keer ‘n vrou wat iets aan het en jy begeer om ook so te lyk. Maar dan se jy, …so iets sal my nie pas nie… dis net ‘n verskoning om nie te waag nie! Jy wil dan so graag. Pas dit aan. Ja man. Ek hou van lae en lae klere. Deurmekaar en oormekaar – rokke oor langbroeke en baie juwele. Ek is mal daaroor. En daar was verseker ‘n tyd wat ek self ook nie die vrymoedigheid gehad het om te eksperimenteer nie. Ek het nie baie selfvertroue gehad nie, my self-beeld was laag en ek het soveel as moontlik uit die oog uit probeer aantrek. Sien my net nie raak nie klere. ‘n Vlammende oranje bloes sou heeltemal te veel aandag op my gesit het. Ek sou heeltemal ontbloot gevoel het… Wa...

Leefstyl Eetgewoontes

Ek is oortuig in my hart dat jy alles mag eet, maar nie alles is noodwendig goed vir jou nie. Diёte hou jou in gevangeskap. Ons staan onder soveel skuldgevoelens, wat allerhande verdrukkings voortbring, soos depressie, swaarmoedigheid, spanning, angs, buierigheid. Jesus het gekom ons ons vry te koop… Johannes 8:36 Om vry te wees beteken nie jy moet ‘n halwe dag lank aan spyskaarte beplan nie. Om vry te wees beteken nie dat jy moet skuldig voel elke keer as jy ‘n sjokolade geeet het nie. Om vry te wees … is om waarlik vry te wees. Om vry te wees; is Om ingeligte en wyse voedsel keuses te maak (Hosea 8:6 – My volk gaan ten grondde as gevolg van ‘n gebrek aan kennis Om vraatsuk en ooreet onder beheer te kry (Spr 23:21 – want ‘n drinker en ‘n vraat sal arm word) (Spr 23:2 … en sit ‘n mes opjoukeel as jy ‘n goeie eetlus het) Om gedurig daaroor te tob en spyskaarte it te werk nie. (Spr 23.2 – moenie jul kwel oor wat jul sal eet of drink nie) Vir baie jare het sommige van...

Persoonlike Versorging

Persoonlike versorging  is net so belangrik soos tande borsel. Net so belangrik soos innerlike versorging. Om netjies en skoon te wees is belangrik, want jou liggaam is jou verantwoordelikheid. Goeie rentmeesterskap is hier ner so van toepassing soos wat jy moet he oor jou huis, jou finansies, jou werk. Ek kry so baie te doen met die vroue wat almal om hul sorg. Behalwe hulself. Gesigs was en hare kam is die totale omvang van hul eie, persoonlike versorging.  Van hul mooi maak. Om skoon te wees en lekker te ruik is noodsaaklik! Dit is grillerig om naby aan vuil, stink en onversorgde mense mense te wees en te werk. Nevermind nog om by so ' n mens te bly! Vind uit wat jou veltipe is en beplan jou basiese velsorg rondom dit. Skoon hare is 'n moet! Jou hare is jou kroon. Jou hare is so deel van jou gesig en naas jou oё, die ding wat mense altyd raak sien. Behandel jou hare met behandelings - kry ou boererate by die ou...

Jy, Vrou

Wie is Jy. As Vrou. As Vriendin. As Minnares. Kon jy al ooit die pad loop en dit vasmaak in jouself, wie jy is as vrou. Of hardloop jy nog steeds weg vir iets, die donker… in jou? Die tyfel. Die worsteling. Wie is ek.? Waar hoort ek? Jaag jy nog steeds na die mens, ‘n ideal wat jy graag eerder sou wou wees? Die beeldskone vrou soos in die flieks, wat langs haar man wakker word en wie se mascara nog steeds op haar wimpers is, hare, so sexy deurmekaar… asem nog steeds vars … of die vriendin wat so vlyend in haar gasvrou rol pas, die een met wie almal graag wil vriende wees. Of die ma wat na haar 2de kind dadelik in haar jeans kon impas en sie se lyf onaangeraak is deur haar swangeskap. Het jy al werklik vrede gemaak met die rekmerke om jou heupe; op ‘n goeie dag kan dit van ver af soos ‘n swaargewigkampioen se belt lyk. Ek het na baie trane en vrae besluit dat ek nie rekmerke het nie. Vir jou sal dit dalk so lyk. Maar dit is inderwaarheid ‘n bewys dat ‘n uitverkorene is. Hand...


Hoeveel keer kom ons nie te staan voor ‘n berg in ons lewe nie. ‘n Berg so hoog en op die oog-af, so on-klimbaar dat ons nie eers probeer om dit te klim nie. Ek het al te veel kere in my lewe tou op gegooi. Die berg was so ‘n ‘in-my-face’ realiteit dat ek net nie kans gesien het nie. Was jy al daar, waar jy die berg bekýk, assesseer, bedink, beplan, selfs ver ente langs die berg probeer stap en dan besluit die journey gaan te lank neem. Dit gaan te moeilik wees dat jy nie eens probeer nie. Jy gaan liewer kamp opslaan by die berg. Miskien dan gaan jy kans sien om eerder ‘n ompad te vat.. óm hom te loop. Vir soveel ‘waisted’ jare, het ek gekamp langs die berg aan die voet-en-ent. Ek het myself al so gerieflik ingerig dat ek gedink het dis toe nie so erg aan die voet-en-ent nie. Ek het nou nie ‘n fantastiese uitsig nie, maar vir eers kan dié doen. Tot daar weer ‘n storm om my los bars, dan beskou ek weer die berg, probeer moed bymekaar skraap en myself motiveer om maar wel...