Praying for my husband - day 7

14 Days of prayers for my husband

Dear Jesus. Today I have a very special prayer request… a request very close to my heart.
I pray that my husband and I will fall in love with each other all over again. Restore the warmth, the thrill and excitement we felt when we first met.

Jesus only You can restore the wounds that unfaithfulness, lies, rejection, anger, never-at-home, always-working and addiction caused between us and break the cycle of spitefulness over us in Your Mighty Name.

I want to look into my husband’s eyes and see the reflection of his love for me again and again. I want to feel the warmth of his tender touch and ask that You will also heal our intimate moments together. Show us how to appreciate one another all over again and make him look at me through new eyes. Especially now that we are both getting older, let he not only be content with me but that let him desire me even more and not steal waters out of another well (1 Corinthians 7:9).

Please give us a new respect and trust for one another and help us not to dwell on the past (Luke 9:62).

Let us both look up to You for guidance, protection, control and how to really and sincerely live in Love with one another.

In Jesus Name I pray


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