Praying for my husband - Day 14

Day 14: 

My beloved husband; I have reached the last day of the 14 Day-journey that I undertook to pray for you. I must confess there were times that I did not feel like going through with it, but I did and I am glad!

I have experienced a few changes in my own heart, especially towards you, our marriage and our relationship. I am sharing some of it with you as I want to be held accountable for my decisions and hopefully you will never hold any of the things I get wrong against me, but rather encourage me to try again. To never give up, especially on us!

No matter what happened yesterday, last week or 10 years ago... today is a new day for me, for us and I mean every word as it is spoken from my heart. It is my prayer that I will find favor in your heart, like Esther found with her king.

You are a strong, kind and courageous man that will walk through fire for me. A man that loves God with his whole heart - and even if we get so many things wrong, there are so many things you get right. And I love you for it.

I solemnly undertake before God that I will diligently pursue to be the women and wife God created me to be.
I will be true and faithful to you and will honour the covenant God established between us.
I lay down my life for you and I will submit to your authority.
I will make every effort to be kind, generous, loving and forgiving towards you.
I will respect you in every way possible and will protect your reputation.
I undertake to pray for you and our children for the rest of my life.
I will repent of my sinful ways, seek for forgiveness and walk with integrity as your wife and as women answerable to God.
I will seek God’s forgiveness and mercy all the days of my life.
I will seek to honour God and live a Godly life that brings Glory to His Name, with you on my side.

I love you
with all my heart
signed: 20 June 2012


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