
Showing posts from June, 2014

Have a little faith in HIM

“ Abraham en Sara was albei al baie oud ‚ en Sara was verby die ouderdom van kinders in die wêreld bring … Toe vra die Here vir Abraham: “ Waarom lag Sara? Waarom dink sy: sal ek werklik ’ n kind in die wêreld bring noudat ek oud is? Is iets te buitengewoon vir die Here? Op die vasgestelde tyd sal Ek terugkom. Volgende jaar hierdie tyd sal Sara ’ n seun hê. ”     Genesis 18:11 ‚ 13-14 Soms lag ons bitter vir ons eie geloof – en vir God se Woord. Maar die Here hóór! Die Here hoor die bitter lag van die geloofsmoeë mens: dié mens vir wie alles te veel geword het; dié mens wat nie meer kán glo nie. Sara se geluidlose lag bereik die Here se oor. “Die arm van die Here is nie te kort om te help nie en sy oor is nie te doof om te hoor nie” (Jes. 59:1).   Jeremia 1:12   Intussen bly ek in geloof staan dat dinge sal verander ten goede vir elkeen van ons, dat ons moee gebede beantwoord sal word, dat ons kinders en ons kinds-kinders die ...

What if we never ask?

'Now to Him Who is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!'  ~ Ephesians 3:20 - How can He do more than our dreams, if we never dream? - How can He do more than we hope for, if we have no hope? - How can He do more than we ask, if we never ask? PRAYER:  Lord, forgive me for giving up on those dreams, hopes and prayers that I have not seen answers to yet. I choose to ask, dream, hope and pray while knowing and believing that You have great things in store for me. Amen  

To The Throne Room I go

Without realizing it at first, I slacked down in my relationship with Jesus. I am so busy living my life and loads of other things that I experienced an emptiness inside me. Initially I tried to fill it with other things until I's spending time in His Throne Room, that I miss. How did that happen? By being too busy lack of discipline no perseverance skipping on bible study times not spending enough time with Jesus in prayer by not spending enough time worshipping our Father What does that mean ? What is the difference between praying and worshipping ?   Prayer is communication with God, and worship is communication with God on a more intense level, where we meet with Him in the Throne Room. We should be a people of worship; it should be a part of our lives as prayer is . When we worship, we are approaching a glorious Throne of Grace - in all its Glory and Wonder. ~ Revelation verses 1 to 37,  Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1. It is in essences t...

I am a woman!

I am a woman. I push doors that clearly say pull. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I’m laughing. I walk into a room and forget why I was there. I count on my fingers in math. I hide the pain from my loved ones. I say it is a long story when it’s really not. I cry a lot more than you think I do. I care about people who don’t care about me. I try to do things before the microwave beeps. I listen to you even when you don’t listen to me. I always try to keep the peace in my home…even if I started the war.   I miss my loved ones who is already in heaven more than I care to share. I am proud of my daughters and of the women they have become. I miss my friends and love spending time with them even if I don’t see them as often as used to. I love being a woman. And most of all... I love being the daughter of the Most High King.

What is your song?

I recently saw an episode of a series I am quite fond of and in one of the scenes the bride-to-be, busy planning finer details of their wedding, asks her fiance 'what is our song'? And it made me think about a song I often sing to/share with Jesus. I love to sing the chorus of a particular song over and over to Him, the one I adore. The One I love. It's a way of me connecting with Jesus. In the world that I live in, where I constantly have to focus on my relationship with Jesus, where the things of the world often try to pull me away from my commitment and dedication to Jesus, I'll try to do things that will keep my flame burning. Sometimes it ain't even burning high. In days like these, I will rehearse lyrics over and over and over until I have ignited the flames again. Until I feel the warmth again. Someone told me a long time ago that your relationship with Jesus is like a burning fire. If you take a coal from the pit, it will get cold and eventually d...

Hy weet

In die eenvoud van ons geloof, staan ons met naakte harte voor God. Hy sien alles Weet alles Verstaan alles