
Showing posts from 2015

I fall short

Áfter listening to a teaching this morning I realised how my heart has changed. Hardened. Slowly. Unnoticed...for me anyway. I don't know exactly when it happened, I just know it did. I started living for myself; my comfort and my needs became my priority. If things did not go my way, if I was being ill treated, I would lash out and negativity would pour out of my mouth. Knowing the dangers of  it all, my bad behaviour, the words I have spoken; I still continued. I gave heed to the whispers of the enemy and got sucked into a world where I stopped being the peacemaker. A difference-maker. Made myself comfortable on a fence, licked my wounds and threw myself an epic pity party. Just sooo tired of the difficulties and challenges in my life. I hate being here. I hate being in this 'condition'...this state I am in. I know I am at fault. At some stage I have let my guard down and now I am facing the consequences. It feels like I have been mourning the death...


I'm the first one in line to die When the cavalry comes Yeah it feels like the great divide Has already come I'm wasting my way through days Losing youth along the way Oh if God is on my side Who can be against me There was a greatness I felt for a while But somehow it changed Some kind of blindness I used to protect me From all of my stains Yeah I wish this was vertigo It just feels like I'm falling slow Oh if God is on my side Then who can be against me Yeah in this wasteland where I'm livin' There is a crack in the door filled with light And it's all that I need to get by Yeah in this wasteland where I'm livin' There is a crack in the door filled with light And it's all that I need to shine All of these people I meet It seems like they're fine Yeah in some ways I hope that they're not And their hearts are like mine Yeah it's wrong when it seems like work To belong all I feel is hurt Oh if God i...

Know the enemy

If u know the enemy and know yourself, u need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If u know yourself but not not the enemy, for every victory gained, u will also suffer a defeat. If u know neither the enemy nor yourself, u will succumb in every battle. (Extract from The three heavens, John Hagee)

Liefde uit n ander wereld

Vir die eerste keer in 45 jaar besef ek -miskien- 'n stukkie van die Here se onverstaanbare liefde vir ons, Sy kinders... Ek se miskien want ons verstaan immers net gedeeltelik. My (toe) 2 weke oue kleinkind kry verkoue. Ek self kry op daardie stadium nie 'n verkoue afgeskud nie en voel baie goor - en bid in alle erns vir Sy genesing. Hy hoes so dat hy in die proses verstik en dan huil want hy kry nie asem nie. Terwyl ek bid, vra ek in groot erns vir die Here om sy siekte op my te plaas, ek sal dit dra, solank daardie klein lyfie net gesond kan word en beter kan asemhaal! Ek kon dit nie verdra om hom so te sien nie. En in daardie oomblik, tydens my ernstige gebed, laat die Here my besef hoe HY oor ons voel... dat Hy ons net so jammer kry wanneer ons siek is, en swaarkry... soveel so dat Hy Sy Seun gestuur het om alles op Hom te vat, dit vir ons te dra... Net soos wat dit my hart wou breek om my klein outjie so te sien suffer, so breek dit ons Vader se har...

Stop and Ponder...


My halleluiahs be multiplied

Your love is like radiant diamonds Bursting inside us we cannot contain Your love will surely come find us Like blazing wild fires singing Your name God of mercy sweet love of mine I have surrendered to Your design May this offering stretch across the skies And these Halleluiahs be multiplied

crazy little thing called LOVE

Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope....

i feel good

People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.

get this and man up!


serve to lead

You will never be a leader if you don't have followers... You will never have followers if you are not willing to serve...  

Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde

Very interesting lyrics of a song that caught my attention in the early hours of the morning, performed by a well known gospel artist; Jimmy Needham. Meditate on the lyrics for a while , maybe it will hit home.   "Jekyll & Hyde" There is a lunatic in everyone I know Some live it out, Some just refuse to drink the potion, baby But we're all monsters inside Cause we act like Dr. Jekyll But there ain't no hiding Mr. Hyde We point the finger At the fella down the road "What kind of devil does a thing like that?" we joke Oh baby, just give it time Cause we act like Dr. Jekyll But there ain't no hiding Mr. Hyde Every last one of us Are pretty much the same We got ol' Adam's blood Running through our veins Oh baby, I ain't telling no lies It's just some are caught red-handed And some work up an alibi Some will probably kill ya And some just kill ya in their mind Cause some live in a prison And some live in a ...

My sweet Hallelujah

This is just a prayer for those who need one There's a little church I know in the valley Where they sing a song so sweet to the Savior calling us to deeper I'll meet you before the dew has left the fern leaves We'll listen together as the bell rings from the church As it summons us with a sound so sweet of our Savior calling us Sweet, I just have to sing Hallelujah, sweet Hallelujah There is none so fine a place to greet Him To dance before the morning sun is to please Him To dance a dance so gracefully, to praise The Man so dearly Sweet, sweet I just have to dance Hallelujah, sweet Hallelujah Hallelujah, sweet Hallelujah

Sin runs thru my veins

The lyrics from this song reminded me of myself, how easily my rebellious heart can go astray. I often need to stand before God and ask Him to pull me up from the waters so I can breathe again. Life can be so hard and cruel ~ may God's Holy Water always cover me. Take me down to the river Wash the dirt from my hands I've been traveling so long In this foreign land. Please Father forgive me For I’ve lost my way Sin runs through my body There is poison in my veins. Take me down the river I’m a broken man Push me down the bottom Wash me from within Pull me up from the waters So I can breathe again Take me down to the river, Lord Where it all began. Should’ve known from the start, Lord Couldn’t do it alone I try; I try so hard, yeah To make this place my home So, come Redemption Please set me free Oh, Holly Water now Come cover me.   The River ~ from Decyfer

How can I love my husband?

I asked God to show me how to love my husband… He showed me the cross .

Have YOUR way in me




Relentless Grace


God can use YOU


Conversation after restoration is sheer delight

  “And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him.” —Genesis 45:15 This is about Joseph, what his brothers had done to him. Their hostility toward him as a youngster had led them to sell him. And about 30 years later their relationship was restored.   My favorite part of this story is what they did after their broken relationship had been restored. They talked. There was so much ground to cover, so much to say. They couldn’t wait to get re–acquainted. Conversation after restoration is sheer delight. Which one of our relationships needs to be redone? Which one is covered with the rust of silence and bitterness? Picture what it might be like to confess your wrongdoing, forgive them for their part, then sit down over coffee in luxurious conversation. Wouldn’t it be great if people would gaze at this healing, like I do when I see that turquoise pickup? “What a tremendous restoration,” they’d say. Excerpted from the...

Re-learn the Love of God

I bless you to be people who are willing to re-learn the love of God and who are willing to step into what God has planned for you. May you never be stuck in what you think is true. May you always be willing to re-learn the Love of God. To grow more into His liking. Into a deeper relationship with Him. Lord please give me and those friends who are divinely connected to this blog, the courage to see things differently and the irresistible urge to respond to what we see You do. We want to become more like You and see the world through Your eyes. I Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Rou tyd is verby

Die graf is leeg. Hoekom hou ek dan nog begrafnis? Hoekom hou ek aan om te rou oor al my foute en verkeerd wat ek al bely het teenoor Jesus? Hoekom gaan ek oor en oor terug graf toe? Die graf is leeg. Soms dink ek dat ons baie kere nie waarlik tot die besef al gekom het, dat Jesus vir al ons foute gesterf het nie. Vir 12 jaar lank glo ek dat ek vir altyd aan die gevolge gaan dra van die verkeerde besluite wat ek 27 jaar terug en 20 jaar terug gemaak het. Dit terwyl ek glo die Here het my vir al my ander sondes vergewe. Ek het Sondag 'n lightbulb moment gehad - tot die insig gekom, ek is waarlik vry en dat ek nie die gevolge langer hoef te dra nie. Dit het my gebukkend deur die lewe laat gaan en my terug gehou van ander dinge waarvan ek vry wou kom maar bang was ek maak weer 'n verkeerde besluit. En dat ek aan 'n drie-dubbele-dosis gevolg gaan moet dra. Ewe skielik voel ek lig. Sy juk is sag. Ek hoop al die blomme by die graf vrek wat ek...

Kumbaya My Lord


Positive thinking


Love - a beautifulll thing


Evergreen Love

When your faith walk doesn't look like it use to before and I cant seem to sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of  My love when the guilt and the shame overwhelm you while you're asleep will your eyes still smile from your cheeks My darling child I will be loving you till the end of days even though you have forsaken Me maybe just by a touch of My hand You will remember how we use to dance My darling I have fallen in love with you every single day I just want to tell you I AM I am waiting for you to take Me into your loving arms love Me under the lights of a 1000 stars place your hands on My beating heart thinking out loud...maybe you will find your way back to Me right where you are When your hair is all gone and you memory had fade and no one even remembers your name when your eyes cant seem to focus the same way You need to know I will love you all the same My love for you is ever-green I could never ...

Don't just survive... LIVE !


When some you love, dies

When someone you love dies… you never quite get over it You just slowly learn how to go on without them But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart.

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year het vir my 8 dae terug baie inspirerend geklink - ek het gedink aan 'n nuwe jaar en dat ek dit met albei hande gaan aangryp. Ek gaan my mind apply, my gedagtes gevangene neem en dit werklik my eie maak. Ek gaan positief die jaar ingaan. Ek gaan dit maak werk. Ek gaan myself forseer om die jaar happy te maak. Ongeag wat ek regtig voel. Of deur werk. Dis deel van die lewe. Mens leer om content te wees.   Dit is immers 'n nuwe jaar. Nuwe begin. Nuwe seisoen.   Gisteraand ervaar ek 'n vreemde droom en iets wat ek selde doen, het ek die geestelike verduideliking van die droom gaan opsoek. Want die droom spook by my.   En daar verwoord google my hart, my innerlike worsteling wat ek self nie kon verwoord nie. Nog nooit die moed gehad het om dit neer te pen nie.   Hoe nou. Dis die moeilikste deel van alles. Hoe begin ek die verandering? Ek verwelkom verandering, dit maak my glad nie bang nie. Inteendeel. Maar hier in hier...