
Showing posts from August, 2014

Wanneer jy vir jou man bid

Wanneer 'n vrou vir haar huwelik bid Daar was ‘n tyd in my lewe wat ek nie meer met my man getroud wou wees, onder een dak met hom wou bly nie, en nie meer kans gesien het vir sy woede, venynigde woorde, spitefullgeit, drankmisbruik, ontrouheid ens nie. Ek was desperaat in my omstandighede en het my tot die Here gewend, my hart onvoorwaardelik vir Hom gegee en gevra om in te gryp. En Hy het. Maar in die tyd het die Here my gewys hoe om ‘oor’ te begin want ek het gou die blaam na my man gewend ‘want hy was immers die onregverdige een, die een wat ons nie mooi behandel het nie, ander se part eerder gevat het’,.. ens. Ek moes leer dat ek net soveel skuld het soos hy. Ek was verbitterd, opvlieënd, geirriteerd, onvergenoegd, (met rede!!), het hom nie ge-eer as die hoof van die huis nie, het hom nie gerespekteer nie, (want hy het dit nie verdien nie en was nie in lyn nie!   ~ het ek geglo ). Ek het besef dat ek my eie onversoenlikheid teenoor my man moes belei. My verb...

Daily devotion - 4 my husband

14 Day Prayer Journey 4 u'r husband DAY 1: Dear Lord, t oday I am starting with a journey to pray for my husband.   Please give me the strength to follow through with this 14 day journey; to pray without seizing no matter what happens and how he treats me.  Help me to remember that this is a seed of love I am sowing, knowing well that he might never pray for me the way I pray for him. And let it not matter to me.   Give me a new heart Jesus; one that is soft and kind and merciful towards him and help me to realise that I have to let go of all the wrongs in the past, all the empty promises and all the times he broke my heart.  Make me fall in love with him all over again! Help me to realise that I need to forgive him in order to move forward. Show me how to love and respect him again even if he doesn’t deserve it.   Let this very first day, be a new day in my own heart, a new day in my marriage... a brand new beginning. Give me the courage...

Hire the Holy Spirit

Our inner worriers prefer to work the night shift. So we stir awake, then we stay awake. And we walk through our days unrested, unnerved and unprepared for what life might throw our way. The thing is, worry is a horrible tenant. It lives rent-free in your soul, and furthermore, it demands to be paid — with the deposit of your precious thought life. Paul says there’s a better way: “Don’t fret or worry,” he wrote to the Philippians – and to all of us. “Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (Philippians 4:6, The Message) Fire the worry-wart. Hire the Holy Spirit. He’s already applied for the job, and is abundantly qualified.   ~ by Jennifer Dukes LeE (IN)COURAGE

Obediance is better than sacrifice

1 Samuel 15v22 - and Samuel said " Has the Lord as gr8 delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice and 2 listen than the fat of rams. As d Here vi ons vra om iets te doen - wat ook al - en om een of ander rede is ons ongemaklik oor die opdrag, hetsy mens lui is, bang, ens en mens doen ander dinge wat goed en reg lyk en offer dinge op wat d Here nie voor gevra het nie, gaan bedien waar ons nie geroep is nie, is als goed en mooi maar is nie die ding wat die Here voor gevra het nie, bring ons hardships oor onsself en ander. Bv toe Saul nie vir die Here geluister het en die koning doodgemaak het soos die Here hom instruksie gegee het nie ,het sy volk bje swaar gekry. En dit agv sy ongehoorsaamheid.    Obedience is doing the will and seeking 2 please God. Sacrifice is seeking to cool off the anger of God. Disobedience results in a need 2 sacrifice- obedience prevents the need 4 sacrifice. Obed...

My commitment as a disciple of Jesus Christ

I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit Power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Him . I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colourless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity position, plaudits of popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognised, praised, regarded or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer and labour by power. My face is set, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face o...

I fall short

I fell into a trap that was set to destroy me with open eyes. I became critical, judgemental and began to speak negatively. I was so caught up in this cycle that I didn’t realise at first how destructive the path was that I was on.   Until I made the decision to never entertain any negative thoughts towards my husband any longer. My negative attitude towards my husband affected my once positive attitude towards the world and my world. I began to speak negatively about almost everything and everyone. The decision to capture my thoughts , once again changed me.   It freed me . As peculiar as it sounds, it did. I became more positive towards negative situations around me. I had a renewed hope in me and it was easier to honour our marriage vows in the times I just wanted an ‘out’-pass. Whenever he says something hurtful or broke another promise or behave in a way that I absolutely hate, I choose to let it go. I choose to not   allow any destructive or negative ...