
Showing posts from March, 2011

Jou geestelike groei hang van jou af

God gebruik Sy Woord, ander mense en moeilike omstandighede om ons meer soos Christus te laat word. God se Woord verskaf die waarheid wat ons moet ken, God se mense verskaf die ondersteuning wat ons nodig het om te groei en moeilike omstandighede verskaf die omgewing waarin ons Christelikheid moet wys. Jy sal meer soos Jesus word wanneer jy God se Woord toepas, gereeld kontak met ander gelowiges het en leer om God in elke situasie te vertrou. Geestelike volwassenheid gebeur nie oornag nie en is nie gewaarborg nie. Dit is 'n geleidelike ontwikkeling wat toegewydheid en dissipline vereis. (Efesiërs 4:13 NLV) . Selfs wanneer jy struikel en val, sal God getrou wees. Solank jy aan jou geestelike groei toegewyd is, sal Hy ook wees! God is meer oor jou karakter as jou loopbaan begaan omdat jou karakter saam met jou die ewigheid in gaan. Die Bybel sê: '...Moenie julle leefstyl aanpas by die gedragspatrone van hierdie wêreld nie, maar laat God julle omvorm deurdat Hy julle denkpat...

Get over your past

Some of us did not have a wonderful, full of love, protected or safe childhood. For some of us, your childhood brings forth pain and resentment. Maybe hate, rejection and so often aggression. Unsolved issues. Maybe your father did not buy you a car when you graduated, or paid for studies you desperately wanted. Maybe you did not even have a father that could play and tease you and teach you about the dangers of the world. Maybe no one loved you and told you what a pretty little thing you were and that you are someone’s long awaited princess… Maybe you sat alone for hours in a tree, all on your own, watching others at play… That absolute loneliness in your heart is something that you have always hide from the world, secretly nurturing it - without wanting any part of it, the rejection of the world. And then sadly, as you grew up, stepping into women hood, you still desperately longs for love and acceptance. This is where the enemy of man , steps in, takes advantage of your brokennes...

A Higher purpose

Allow the Son of Man to complete His purpose in your life . ~  Bennie Mostert

Small straws in a soft wind

If you will learn the art of being the gatekeeper of your own soul by setting a watch over your eyes, ears, and mouth, you will be an overcomer in the temple of the Living God. You must learn to stop the intrusion of the enemy at the gate. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good, says the Lord. Isaiah 28:5-6 In that day the LORD of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate. ~ by Marsha Burns

oh no!

Day 3....of 21 I surrendered my cravings to God... bread, cookies.... sounds familiar ? so today.... I "un-surrendered" bread and cookies.. Oh God I can be such a looooser.

find me in the river

I want and need to rise above all my bad habits. I need to break free from this  self-destructive cycle that I have allowed in my life. Like Paul said "My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak".  I want to experience God on a new level, I want to surrender my all - holding nothing back from God. I want to be ashamed of nothing.  I want to be able to face God with a clear conscience. So today, I officially begin this journey. For the next 21 days I have committed to rewrite negative feelings and thoughts and ideas - addressing my thinking towards permanent progress in any area and stopping the cycle of shame and defeat.  I have had enough. I mean business and I know God is saying... You go girl!   With feverent prayers and petitions I will move forward. I will call unto my God who hears me when I call.  I know it is His desire for me to be fulfilled, to be a conquerer, to be more.   What are your cravings? An...

New blog on the block


Spirit of Prophecy

Your faithfulness goes before you in the spiritual realm to establish the way of favor.  Hindrances have to give way to the light of those who walk upright and go forth with integrity and humility. []

The one thing I want from God

The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in His Temple, living in His presence every day of my life. ~ Psalm 27:4