
Showing posts from January, 2016

Father help me to love...unconditionally


Beter.... nie bitter nie

Hebr 12.15 noem BITTERHEID 'n giftige loot. Bitterheid ontstaan uit klein oortredinkies wat ons nie (wil) vergewe nie, die molshope waaroor ons bly tob. Dit kan ook die gevolg wees van emosionele wonde, verwerping, teleurstellings, traumatiese ervarings ens. wat ons nie behoorlik verwerk nie. Hoe langer ons toelaat dat pyn, woede en teleurstellings in ons groei en en groter word hoe meer besmet dit ons hele wese; ons persoonlikheid, gesindheid en gedrag, ons perspektief en ons verhoudings lei daaronder...dit verander ons. Le jou bitterheid af, kies dit. Bid saam; Here ek het toegelaat dat my kwaad en seer, en my teleurstellings vatplek kry binne-in my en soveel bitterheid veroorsaak wat my eventually besoedel het. Ek het aan my kwaad vasgehou en aan al die onregverdigheid wat aan my gedoen word, oor en oor afgespeel in my kop en hart. Dit het gemaak dat ek oordryf met woorde en stories, dit het veroorsaak dat ek ander begin kritiseer en judge. Dat ek e...

A sacred covenant

I never really understood nor have I grasped the real meaning and depth of a marriage until I fell in love with Jesus.  Marriage was something I thought the world created. I only discovered very late in life that God is the inventor of marriages and only through His eyes have I began 2 understood the sacredness of the covenant that a man and a woman undertakes before God. The covenant that both of (all) your parents made was never to be broken. Things happens in life, bad choices are made because of the sins of the world and those we make and as a result we suffer the consequences and create more chaos and brokenness because of that. I realised only then that no one no man are able to make me happy. (They are able to drive you crazy and make life extremely difficult though) Fulfilment only comes from Jesus. A spouse can only add to ur life...but they are not supposed to, nor is it their job to make you happy. Happiness...just like peace comes from wit...


The Star of David The Lord is my shield I am totally covered: Above, Below, North, East, South, West