Beloved mother of mine

You passed away so suddenly
Without any warning or sign
What am I to do
Without your motherly love?
You were always just there
Patiently waiting for a phone call
or me stopping to say hi  
Oh why have I taken u 4 granted!

I have known you all my life
Have loved you for as long as I can remember
And hoped you would live forever
O how I wish with my whole heart
You didn’t die!

We have been through so many heartaches
You were my refuge during my younger years
You soothed my scary heart through raging storms
And answered the many questions I always seemed 2 have

You held my hand when I gave birth
To bravely go through the unknown
You taught me how to dance, love and care
how to be fare

Together we have grieved over loved ones’ graves
Encouraging each other 2 b brave
You stood beside me through every wrong decision I have ever made
And not once said “but I have told you so”

You have taught me right from wrong
You showed me how to burb a baby, change a nappy and be strong
You told me how to behave like a lady, be a mother and work with money
But mom you never told me what to do when you die!
You never told me what it would feel like not having you around!
You never told me that my heart would break!
You never told me that my world would fall apart!
You never taught me how to live without you!
You never showed me the way!
Mom you never prepared me for this!

Oh mother, my beloved Mother!
I miss you so very-very much
Mom, what am I going to do without you?


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