
Showing posts from May, 2012


Fiesta time! Women's Day 24 November 2012 Pretoria S.A.

HOPE - a compelling word

"Be joyful in HOPE , patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" ~  Romans 12:1 Consider this to be a resolution for the next month: "to be joyful, steadfast in doing good - even though u r experiencing some kind of hardship" If you can stretch your mind, your attitude towards this, I believe you have found the secret expressed in Scriptures. "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer" ~ Rom 12:12 Consider this: Joy is a matter of personal temperament Joy is a matter of circumstances Joy is a ... choice To be joyful, is a command, a duty. Even when things are rough. ~ 1 Thes 5:16, Phil 4:4 It's the same as to forgive, regardless how you feel or your circumstances =  it is a command. To be joyful in life, we must have  HOPE What is  HOPE  ? HOPE is FAITH; and faith comes from the Word of God ~Rom 10:17 If you don't spend time reading the Word, your faith is weak, your  HOPE   is shallow an...

Step out on the water

If You say go, we will go If You say wait, we will wait If You say step out on the water And they say it can't be done We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come Your ways are higher than our ways And the plans that You have laid Are good and true If You call us to the fire You will not withdraw Your hand We'll gaze into the flames and look for You ~Vinyard


I have a Father who lives in the heavenlies He adopted me as His own and promised I will never be alone He gave me a name and engraved it in His Hands so i will always be sure of His love for me I have a Father who promised me a future filled with hope and dreams He watches over me from high above and keeps me strong when life gets tough He created me for His glory and made me co-writer of His wonderful story I have a Father whom people call their King He reigns on the Throne with glory and might He is strong and wise and feeds the poor I have a Father who is called Lilly of the Valley Sweet Rose of Sharon and amazing as it be He saved a wreck like me

Because I was taught to dream

Before I lived on earth i was a fairy princess I caught frogs and called them prince   and made myself a queen, i traveled 'round the world i slept in castles and fell in love   because i was taught to dream I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top to capture tinkerbell they were just fireflies to the untrained eye but i could always tell I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails and i believe in peter pan and miracles   and anything i can to get by and fireflies Before i grew up i saw You on a cloud i could bless myself in Your Name and pat You on Your wings Before i grew up i heard You whisper so loud "life is hard, and so is love, My child, believe in all these things" I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top to capture tinkerbell and they were just fireflies to the untrained eye   but i could always tell Now I am fairy princess and married my prince and have made myself a queen I still travel...

Apple vs Mercy

~ forgiveness and mercy: We always think of Eve as the [bad] women who caused Adam to sin as a result of her disobedience (remember the apple she ate) and you will always hear people quoting "we have to endure so many hardships because of her" and we tend to always just reflect on the bad, the negative. Then God showed the apple from another angle! That the apple (which represents her sin) should rather be seen as a  sy mbol of God's forgiveness and Mercy . Life after death.. So next time you eat an apple... baby think twice!

Wat hy wil hê, vs. wat jy wil hê

Wat hy wil hê, is baie anders as wat jy wil hê ... Raymond Hull het gesê: “Alle troues is gelukkig. Dis die saamwoon na die tyd wat al die moeilikheid veroorsaak.” En die grootste rede hiervoor? Ons verskil radikaal van mekaar! Dis waarom dit so moeilik is om te ruik wat hy wil hê. So, hier is ʼn bietjie hulp ... Natuurlik koop jy nie vir jou man naellak en sykouse nie, want net so min as wat jy ’n saag of ’n grassnyer nodig het, wil jou man oor klere en skoene gesels. Wat hy wil hê, is baie anders as wat jy wil hê. Al wat jy hoef te doen, is om ’n bietjie in ’n inkopiesentrum rond te staan. Die manne kyk gereedskap en tente, terwyl die vroue parfuum aanspuit, skoene aanpas en “oe” en “aa” oor ’n pragtige paar wighakskoene.  Op dieselfde manier verskil julle emosionele behoeftes van mekaar. Diep in haar hart wil elke vrou hê dat haar man haar op allerhande maniere van sy liefde vir haar moet verseker en dat sy veilig by hom is. Mans , daarenteen, wil die wêr...



choices choices



A story about a father with a deaf daughter was recently broadcasted on the radio and I followed the story with mixed emotions.  He spoke fondly of his daughter and made a few shocking (to me) statements. He said that one of the teachers told him that in the 18 years she has taught at this specific school, that he is the second father she has come know who can sign to his daughter. He also quoted a shocking percentage of parents that are able to sign / communicate to their deaf children.  Apparently only 2% of the deaf community knows Jesus or heard of him, and this is mainly due to the parent’s inability to communicate to them. Both the churches and community are not equipped either! It made me realise that not only does the children need to endure the inability to hear but also needs to endure the disability of their parents to communicate to them.  How do they get through life where their parents don’t communicate, share, ‘talk’ …. Or hear about Jesu...


I am so ashamed for what I have done How could I? Ashamed, coz I know what I was doing. Ashamed, coz I wanted to Guilt-ridden, because I did! In all this time, I knew You were watching me… hoping I would not go through with it I knew all of this, coz' I heard Your voice Don’t … But I did. I tried to hide. But I knew You were still there Your gaze fixed upon me. I knew, but I still touched the fire! I felt the warmth of it Aware of the destruction it will bring And wanted it even more Don’t play with fire But I did. How can I even call upon Your Name? How dare I? How can I hope to be forgiven for what I have done? For making Your grace cheap? How dare I? Then I hear this song... Dare I hope? Is it You that opened my ear? To no longer live in fear? Lord I need You, oh God   how I need You Lord I confess, my one defence, Without You I fall apart, You’re the one that guides my heart Lord I need You, only You know how I need You!