Hope deferred makes the heart sick

Faith is something that looks backward—we remember the ways God has come through for His people, and for us, and our belief is strengthened that He will come through again. Love is exercised in the present moment; we love in the “now.” Hope is unique; hope looks forward, anticipating the good that is coming. Hope reaches into the future to take hold of something we do not yet have, may not yet even see. 

Strong hope seizes the future - a day, a place... still to come; it is the confident expectation of goodness coming...

Ask yourself, How is my hope these days? Where is my hope these days...

Jesus Christ gave His life to give each of us a hope above and beyond all former hopes. Every action and teaching of His magnificent life were very intentionally directed at unveiling this hope to us.

In Matthew we read with breathtaking clarity:

“Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne . . . everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (19:28–29)

At the renewal of all things?! God’s intention for us is the renewal of all things? This is what the Son of God said; that is how He plainly described it. 

And then this:
The Greek word used here for “renewal” is palingenesia, derived from two root words: paling, meaning “again,” and “beginning,” which of course goes back to Genesis. Genesis again. Eden restored... the creation of the world. When the world is made new. An everlasting promise, so beautiful. But Jesus is clearly not talking about heaven here—He is talking about the re-creation of all things, including the earth we love.

When a casual hope is deferred, we are disappointed but nothing more. We are downcast for a moment or a day. 

When precious hope is dashed, it can really break your heart and can usher in fear and anxiety. You may not recover for a week or five years, depending on the loss and the other resources of your life. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12). 

It does, doesn’t it? 
But when an ultimate hope goes unanswered, the result is devastation from which you will never recover. Ultimate hopes that suddenly seem uncertain shake the soul to its core. 

Here is my point: the renewal of all things is meant to be your first hope in the way that God is your First Love. If it isn’t the answer to your wildest dreams, if you aren’t ready at this very moment to sell everything and buy this field, then you have placed your hopes somewhere else.


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