
Showing posts from 2019

Sien my raak

Om gesíén te word Om werklik deur mense raakgesien te word is ‘n wonderlike ding. Dink aan die manier wat die Zoeloes mekaar groet: Sawubona – ek sien jou ! Erkenning is ‘n basiese emosionele behoefte by alle mense. Daarom dat – waar elke mens gesien of gehoor voel – daar gewoonlik goeie, gesonde en hoopvolle verhoudings heers. In die nuutste DC-fliek, The Joker , wat tans in teaters draai, sien ons egter wat gebeur wanneer die omgekeerde plaasvind. Die prent speel af in die Batman-wêreld van die DC comics-genre, destyds geskep deur Bob Kane. Die Batman-karakter speel egter byna geen rol in die fliek nie en die storie verduidelik eerder hoe dit gebeur het dat die euwel karakter van die Joker ontwikkel het, een van die mees populêre superhero villains in die comics -wêreld. The Joker vertel die storie van Arthur Fleck, ‘n gewone goeie mens wat ‘n traumatiese lewe het. Hy voer ‘n sukkelbestaan as ‘n komediant maar beleef to...

a Stranger touched my heart


I love YOU


a Sacrifice of thankfulness

Set out a sacrifice I can accept: your thankfulness . Be true to your word to the Most High. ~ Psalm 50.14

We often use prayer not to deal with sin

Consider this... Sometimes you just have to deal with the sin in your life instead of making excuses not to deal with it ! You don't deal with sin through prayer. You confront it and stop doing it . Then you ask God that His Holy Spirit convict you and guide you.

oh...the love of self

Character should grow, not your reputation....

Autopsy Report

If you were to be killed for your faith ... will there be enough evidence for  you  to be killed?

Have you ever considered this!

Have you  ever-ever  considered this about God's creation ... the way He enjoys His own? The way He speaks to it? Have you  ever  considered this:  they speak back to their Creator?  Have you ever paused to think that when God sends lightning flashes forth, they report for duty? Do you know that the young ones of the crow calls out to God and tell Him they are hungry? Have you ever wondered about God's wisdom, His cleverness, His knowledge, His ability to create and to make things work? Do you know that God gives orders to the morning and instructs the sea where its proud waves has to stop? That God walks through the valleys of the ocean depths and that darkness has a home? Then consider  this .... That this God, who created heaven and earth and everything in it, planned and created  you .  But that is not all, that He loves you, with a love that is far beyond my understanding.  That He wants...

Prepare for it!

We often hear, "Life is short... better enjoy it"! How about, "Eternity is long... better prepare for it"!

What are you doing with your Kingdom heart?

It might be the most important thing to know about yourself; it is a lens by which you can understand your longings, fears, addictions, anger.  Where is your kingdom heart these days ...  What are you presently doing with it... What are you fantasizing about?  Know this: where we take our fantasies is a clear indication of what we are doing with our kingdom heart.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick

Faith is something that looks backward—we remember the ways God has come through for His people, and for us, and our belief is strengthened that He will come through again. Love is exercised in the present moment; we love in the “now.” Hope is unique; hope looks forward, anticipating the good that is coming. Hope reaches into the future to take hold of something we do not yet have, may not yet even see.  Strong hope seizes the future - a day, a place... still to come; it is the confident expectation of goodness coming... Ask yourself, How is my hope these days? Where is my hope these days... Jesus Christ gave His life to give each of us a hope above and beyond all former hopes. Every action and teaching of His magnificent life were very intentionally directed at unveiling this hope to us. In Matthew we read with breathtaking clarity: “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things , when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne . . . everyone who has left hou...

The life of a distant parent

The life we I live in. Sometimes life deals you a bad hand. Emotionally bad. Your heart aches - literally to the point that you feel you cannot breathe. The pain suffocates you, and leaves you depressed. Anxious. Many sleepless nights and restless thoughts. I have heard too many times that bad things happens to good people. I think it to be true. But I often wonder if this is not part of the consequences of so many wrong choices I have made. And along with that the tragedy of our fallen government of our once beloved country, the senseless crime and our children, friends and family finding refuge in other countries so expensively far away. My daughter is one of the statistics; like so many others,who gave up the life she grew up in and exchange it for a seemingly better one. At the tender age of 18 and after finishing school she visited her dad - my ex-husband who uprooted his new family and moved to greener pastures, fell in love with a handsome boy and decided to make t...