“These are some of the decisions that define who we are as a community and how we choose to live our lives. These decisions are not destinations, but rather journeys…” We have decided that teaching the gospel without demonstrating the gospel is not enough. Good preaching, good doctrine, and being good people are not enough. We have decided that having a good church club is not enough, good fellowship is not enough, and just being a member of that club is not enough. We have decided that having good Bible studies is good, but not good enough, that just making it to heaven is not our goal, and that knowing about God without truly knowing and experiencing God is meaningless. We have decided that having good programs is not enough, that change without transformation is intolerable, and that staying where we are is not an option. We have decided that gifting without character is futile. We have decided that singing songs without worshiping is empty, and having meetings without God...