
Showing posts from March, 2018

...good for nothing

Unsavoury salt lacks the very essence of its existence. #If you are not the salt in your environment people have to reason to want to change# ..then what does it say about you. are you living your purpose. are you trying to bring people to Christ or are you too busy 2 fit it... #When we abandon our purpose, we are good for nothing# Luke 14.34-35 Salt is excellent, but if the salt goes flat, it’s useless, good for nothing. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.  

only then...

  Do not conform to the pattern of this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. THEN you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- His good, pleasing and perfect will Rom 12.2  

Because He lives


Who is Jesus 2 you...


Guard your heart with vigilance

Be the doorkeeper of your heart and let no thoughts in without questioning it.. Question each and every thought and say to them; Are you one of ours or are you one from the enemy? If it belongs to the house it will give you peace. If it comes from the enemy, it will confuse you through anger and arose you through a desire geskryf deur Evagrius Ponticus      

let GO of the past

Abba Father I am so grateful for the many bullets You have helped me dodge. And thank You that You have so often blessed me with gifts and kindness through people and events that have been unexpected. Thank You that You love me as I am and that You alone can redeem my past and make it beautiful. Jesus I give You my mistakes and my regrets right now. And I celebrate the progress I have made. I can see that I am different to a year ago and 10 years ago! Yay Holy Spirit and me!  Thank You that the only things following me are Your goodness and mercies and they will keep hunting me down till I die! I love You. Amen Prayer borrowed from Son-Flower Seeds

Net gebed kan my huwelik red

Wanneer 'n vrou vir haar huwelik bid , is 'n post wat ek baie lank terug gepost het. En glad nie vreemd is dit 'n artikel wat die meeste gelees word en die meeste kommentaar uitlok. En ek besef keer op keer dat die grootste gedeelte van die mensdom se huwelik 'n challenge is. Dit maak dit vir my troosbaar. Makliker, omdat ek weet dis nie net ek wat sukkel nie, ek is nie alleen in hierdie stryd nie. Ek het al baie gewonder of dit ooit gaan oorwaai. Of daar 'n tyd gaan kom wat ek en my man van mekaar weer gaan hou, en of ons ooit sal kan se ons het deur 'n maand gegaan sonder om te baklei. In elke kommentaar sien ek weereens dat 'opposites attract' en dat vroue van regoor die wereld voel soos ek en jy. En elke keer word ek herinner dat ons huwelike vir die vyand 'n groot stryd is. Hy haat huwelike - dit moet so wees want hy val almal se huwelike aan. As hy net die man en die vrou uitmekaar uit kan dryf tuimel 'n hele kaartehuis inmekaar! D...

Go with the flow

‘n Splinternuwe gedagte… Dat wanneer ons onsself bevind in die middel van pyn of verandering, in plaas van instinktief stroomop wil swem om uit die situasie of omstandighede wil kom eerder net te ‘go with the flow’. Dikwels spoel jy op nuwe plekke uit – kry nuwe perspektiewe en ontdek nuwe fasette van jouself en veral nuwe karaktertrekke van God.

It is well with my soul


Love what a beautifull Name it is!
