How many of our relationships are in ruins… perhaps it is your marriage- once a solid fortress, but now only the ruins of a once safe place. Maybe its your relationship with your children…. Or even worse… your relationship with Jesus. Hopefully, for a split second, I caught your attention and with it came the realization I was actually talking to you . “Still a song of adoration will rise up from these ruins “ With my love and my sadness I come before You Lord. May heart’s in thousand pieces, maybe even more. Yet I trust in this moment. You are with me somehow, and You have always been faithful. So Lord even now when all that I can sing is a broken hallelujah, when my only offering is shattered praise, still a song of adoration will rise up from these ruins and I will worship You and give You thanks. You have given me much more than I deserve - How could I doubt Your goodness, Your wisdom, Your grace? Lord hear my heart at this painful place, when all I...