Friday 18 June 2021


~ Secrets born in shame mute our cognisance (knowledge or awareness) of the miraculous ~

A miracles mind-set means stepping into the light.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Million little miracles

All my Life

I’ve been carried by Grace
Don’t ask me how
Cause I can’t Explain
It’s nothing short
Of a Miracle I’m here


I’ve got some Blessings

That I don’t Deserve
I’ve got some Scars
But that’s how you Learn
It’s nothing short

Of a Miracle I’m here 

You Held me Steady

So I wouldn’t give Up
You Opened Doors
That Nobody could Shut
I Hope I never get Over
What you’ve done

I wanna Live with an open heart

I wanna Live
Like I Know who you are
I Hope I never get Over
What you’ve done!






Oh how I love You Abba Father

 If I was a painter, I would use the sky as my canvas so that the whole world would see how much I love You. I would use all the colours on my palette to create even more daring shades to describe how much You mean to me. I would paint a picture that would say a thousand words and I will sign it…’with love’

If I was a comedian I would amuse You with silly jokes and quotes that will make You laugh until Your tummy hurts.

If I was a poet I would captivate You with words pleasingly displayed that would make sense of the feelings that I cannot put to words.

If I was a sculptor, I would dazzle You with a piece of art that would show You how much I appreciate everything you have ever done for me.

But I am not a painter, a poet nor a comedian. I am just me. I don’t know how 2 express my love for You in fancy ways or with colourful words.

But I know this… I love You with all my heart.