Thursday 30 January 2020

a Plea for healing

There is more in the balm to heal than there is in guilt to wound; for there is more in grace to save than there is in sin to destroy.

Jeremiah 8 records God’s warning to Judah of what Babylon would do to them. Upon hearing the news, Jeremiah cries, "Is there no balm in Gilead?" (v. 22).

His question is a poetic search for hope—a plea for healing. The saving power of Jesus.

We have this surety, and a steadfast hope, according to scripture that Jesus wants to heal us emotionally, physically and spiritually. If you call unto Him be sure that He hears.

Return your rest, my soul!

 "'Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.'"

Fear & anxiety has a strange way of creeping into our hearts and lives, but we need to remind ourselves about how God has undertaken in the past.
Faithfulness is part of His character and He continues to be faithful.

So return to your rest, find your peace and security in Him once more.

Lord, when I think about how You have helped and been good to me, I can only rejoice and be confident in You. I will rest in You and I will trust in You. Amen.

 ~Psalm 116:7

Tuesday 21 January 2020

The way I roll

'I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless (perfect) heart.'
~ Psalm 101:2b

Jesus, please help me to live in a way that reflects Your beautiful nature to others, especially within my private life where my loved ones see the real me.