
at the well

My daughter A word in season... It seems that you are trying to pull water from a well with what seems to be pully. It is with great difficulty, and this is the word of the Lord, I bring you the water, I am your water... October 2022 @Earth

I just want to move Your heart - no matter what the cost

Jesus, Jesus Precious Lord None on the earth nor heavens above that I have found more beautiful You are my treasure , my great reward and I just wanna move Your heart It's all I wanna do , I just wanna stand in awe  and pour my love on You No matter how much the cost , I freely give it all to You, Your love made a way , oh Jesus Jesus , my offering, all my ambitions, my hopes, my dreams  here's my life, Lord , a sacrifice just to bless You I just wanna move Your heart, i t's all I wanna do I just wanna stand in awe and pour my love on You No matter how much the cost , I freely give it all to You I just wanna movе Your heart , get caught within Your gaze Right hеre in Your presence, God is where I wanna stay Just to dwell in Your house , waste my hours and my days on You Is it a fragrance? Then I'll pour my oil out Is it a life laid down? Then here I give my vows Is it a song I sing? Then here's every melody Just tell me what moves You Here and night

Blessed  is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. Ps.1.1


~ Secrets born in shame mute our cognisance (knowledge or awareness) of the miraculous ~ A miracles mind-set means stepping into the light.

Million little miracles

All my Life I’ve been carried by Grace Don’t ask me how Cause I can’t Explain It’s nothing short Of a Miracle I’m here   I’ve got some Blessings That I don’t Deserve I’ve got some Scars But that’s how you Learn It’s nothing short Of a Miracle I’m here  You Held me Steady So I wouldn’t give Up You Opened Doors That Nobody could Shut I Hope I never get Over What you’ve done I wanna Live with an open heart I wanna Live Like I Know who you are I Hope I never get Over What you’ve done! ~extract #elevationworship&maverick #restoration #healing #deserve

Oh how I love You Abba Father

 If I was a  painter , I would use the sky as my canvas so that the whole world would see how much I love You. I would use all the colours on my palette to create even more daring shades to describe how much You mean to me. I would paint a picture that would say a thousand words and I will sign it… ’with love’ If I was a  comedian  I would amuse You with silly jokes and quotes that will make You laugh until Your tummy hurts. If I was a  poet  I would captivate You with words pleasingly displayed that would make sense of the feelings that I cannot put to words. If I was a  sculptor , I would dazzle You with a piece of art that would show You how much I appreciate everything you have ever done for me. But I am not a painter, a poet nor a comedian.  I am just me . I don’t know how 2 express my love for You in fancy ways or with colourful words. But I know this…  I love You with all my heart.

The consequence of divorce

Where do I even try to explain the ripple effect  divorce  had on my life…and those of my children, and grandchildren? I remember the day when I told my mom that I wanted to leave my husband. In her calm and collective way only said ‘it  was not going to solve anything’ .  In my young and foolish heart, the only thing I could think of was to get away from my situation. To get out. And I did just that. Our daughter was 18 months old when I embarked on this journey; my new life . Within a few months after my divorce, I met a man whom I thought was my soul-mate and after a very short whirl-wind-romance, got married. My whole life revolved around him. I have devoted all of me to him and our marriage. I thought we were so happy and that he was as much in love with me as I was with him. But he had his own struggles. I remember the first time I heard of his unfaithfulness. It was so far-fetched in my mind that I chose not to believe it. It was not happening to me. I was so in love wit